Supplements and Media

Resources for Students and Instructors

Our new coursespace, LaunchPad, combines an interactive e-Book with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. Prebuilt curated units are easy to assign or adapt with your own material, such as readings, videos, quizzes, and discussion groups. LaunchPad also provides access to a gradebook that provides a clear window on performance for the whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments.

Worth Publishers has worked closely with Greg Mankiw and a team of talented economics instructors to put together a variety of resources to aid instructors and students. We have been delighted at the positive feedback we have received on these supplements.

For Students

LearningCurve is an adaptive quizzing engine that automatically adjusts questions to a student’s mastery level. With LearningCurve activities, each student follows a unique path to understanding the material. The more questions a student answers correctly, the more difficult the questions become. Each question is written specifically for the text and is linked to the relevant e-Book section. LearningCurve also provides a personal study plan for students as well as complete metrics for instructors. Proven to raise student performance, LearningCurve serves as an ideal formative assessment and learning tool. For detailed information, visit


NEW Work It Out TutorialsNew to this edition, these tutorials guide students through the process of applying economic analysis to solve a problem similar to the end-of-chapter problems found in the text. Choice-specific feedback and video explanations provide students with interactive assistance for each step of the problem.

Macro ModelsThese modules provide simulations of the models presented in the book. Students can change the exogenous variables and see the outcomes in terms of shifting curves and recalculated numerical values of the endogenous variables. Each module contains exercises that instructors can assign as homework.

Fed Chairman GameCreated by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, this game allows students to become Chairman of the Fed and to make macroeconomic policy decisions based on news events and economic statistics. It gives students a sense of the complex interconnections that influence the economy. It is also fun to play.

FlashcardsStudents can test their knowledge of the definitions in the glossary with these virtual flashcards.

For InstructorsInstructor’s Resource ManualRobert G. Murphy (Boston College) has revised the impressive resource manual for instructors. For each chapter of this book, the manual contains notes to the instructor, a detailed lecture outline, additional case studies, and coverage of advanced topics. Instructors can use the manual to prepare their lectures, and they can reproduce whatever pages they choose as handouts for students. Each chapter also contains a Dismal Scientist Activity (, which challenges students to combine the chapter knowledge with a high-powered business database and analysis service that offers real-time monitoring of the global economy.

Solutions ManualNora Underwood (University of Central Florida) has updated the Solutions Manual for all the Questions for Review and Problems and Applications found in the text.

Test BankThe Test Bank has been revised for the ninth edition so that it now includes over 2,500 multiple-choice questions, numerical problems, and short-answer graphical questions to accompany each chapter of the text. The Test Bank provides a wide range of questions appropriate for assessing students’ comprehension, interpretation, analysis, and synthesis skills.


Lecture SlidesRon Cronovich (Carthage College) has revised his lecture slides of the material in each chapter. They feature animated graphs with careful explanations and additional case studies, data, and helpful notes to the instructor. Designed to be customized or used as they are, they include easy directions for instructors who have little experience with PowerPoint.

Graphing QuestionsAs a further question bank for instructors building assignments and tests, the electronically gradable graphing problems utilize our own robust graphing engine. In these problems, students will be asked to draw their response to a question, and the software will automatically grade that response. Graphing questions are tagged to appropriate textbook sections and range in difficulty level and skill.

Practice and Graded Homework AssignmentsEach LaunchPad unit contains prebuilt assignments, providing instructors with a curated set of multiple-choice and graphing questions that can be easily assigned for practice or graded assessment.


Additional Online Offerings

Worth/Aplia courses are all available with digital textbooks, interactive assignments, and detailed feedback. With Aplia, you retain complete control of and flexibility for your course. You choose the content you want students to cover, and you decide how to organize it.You decide whether online activities are practice (ungraded or graded). For a preview of Aplia materials and to learn more, visit

The integrated online version of the Aplia media and the Mankiw text includes the following items:

Extra problem sets (derived from in-chapter questions in the book) suitable for homework and keyed to specific topics from each chapter

Regularly updated news analyses

Real-time online simulations of market interactions

Interactive tutorials to assist with math and graphing

Instant online reports that allow instructors to target student trouble areas more efficiently


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