Team Writing
Chapter 7: Exercises
CHAPTER 7: Communication Styles and Team Diversity
1. Which of the communication or problem-solving styles discussed in this chapter do you tend to favor? Do you prefer the competitive speaking style or the considerate style? Are you a holistic or an action-oriented problem solver? Can you think of a time when your preferences for one style over another interfered with your ability to work productively on a team?
2. Have you ever engaged in either self-promotional or self-deprecating speech on a team? If you think back on it, how might you have spoken differently? How might this have changed the team’s interactions?
3. Have you ever been on a team with someone who favored an extreme version of any of the styles discussed in this chapter? How did this person’s style interfere with the team’s progress? What might the team have done to minimize any negative effects that this style caused?
4. Working with a partner, go through all five Team Writing videos and answer the following questions for each video:
a. Provide examples of both competitive and considerate behaviors in the video. Overall, would you describe this as a competitive or a considerate team? How might this communication style interfere with the team’s success?
b. Do you see any examples of someone being interrupted, silenced, or dismissed? What could team members have done to prevent these behaviors from occurring?
c. Do you see any examples of self-promotional or self-deprecating behaviors? How do these behaviors seem to interfere with the team’s progress?
5. Working with a partner, sit in and observe the meeting of another team in the class. Take notes on any behaviors — positive or negative — that you observe. At the end of the meeting, share notes with your partner and together type up a list of observations. Without naming names, describe the specific behaviors you observed, with quotes if possible. Share your observations with the other team.