Presenting Guidelines for Using Social Media

This excerpt is from a corporate social-media policy statement. The questions below ask you to think about how to make the policy statement clearer and more useful.

The excerpt reads, “1. Overview: In today’s world, just about everything we do online can be traced back to us and can have an impact (for better or worse) on a company. Paragon wants to remind you that the company policies on anti-harassment, ethics, and company loyalty extend to all media. There is a certain etiquette you should abide by when you participate online. This document is not intended to be restrictive, but to provide some guidelines on proper social-networking etiquette. 2. What Are Social Media? - Social media are the tools and content that enable people to connect online, share their interests, and engage in conversations. Guidelines: These policies apply to individuals who want to participate in social-media conversations on behalf of Paragon. Please be mindful that your behavior at all times reflects on Paragon as a whole. Do not write or post anything that might reflect negatively on Paragon. 3. Always use your best judgment and be honest. Be respectful of confidential information (such as clients, financials). Always be professional, especially when accepting criticism. Participate, don’t promote. Bring value. Give to get. Write only about what you know. When in doubt, ask for help/clarification. Seek approval before commenting on any articles that portray Paragon negatively.”

An excerpt from a corporate social-media policy statement is shown.

Markel/Selber, Technical Communication, 12e, ©2018 Bedford/St.Martin's

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The “Overview” section discusses the company’s social-media policy guidelines in terms of etiquette. In what way is “etiquette” an appropriate word to describe the policy? In what way is it inappropriate?

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The “What Are Social Media?” section provides little useful information. What other information might it include to make the document more useful to Paragon employees?

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The bulleted guidelines are vague. Revise any two of them to include more specific information.