The following paragraph is taken from a report published by a water company. In this paragraph, the writer is describing how he decided on a method for increasing the company’s business within his particular branch. (The sentences are numbered.) The questions below ask you to think about the qualities of coherent paragraphs (as outlined in this chapter).
"The text reads, “(1) We found that the best way to improve the Montana branch would be to add a storage facility to our existing supply sources. (2) Currently, we can handle the average demand on a maximum day; the storage facility will enable us to meet peaking requirements and fire-protection needs. (3) In conducting our investigation, we considered developing new supply sources with sufficient capacity to meet current and future needs. (4) This alternative was rejected, however, when our consultants (Smith and Jones) did groundwater studies that revealed that insufficient groundwater is available and that the new wells would have to be located too far apart if they were not to interfere with each other. Markel//Selber, Technical Communication, 12e © 2018 Bedford/St.Martin’s” "