1. Hatshepsut: Depicting a Goddess-King
DOCUMENT 1.1: Hatshepsut"s Early Life as Described in Inscriptions at Deir el-Bahri, ca. 1479–1458 B.C.E.
DOCUMENT 1.2: Three Statues of Hatshepsut from Deir el-Bahri, ca. 1479–1458 B.C.E.
DOCUMENT 1.3: Lecture on the Deir el-Bahri Excavations, 2006
Quiz for Hatshepsut: Depicting a Goddess-King
2. Cyrus The Great: Building on a Ruler"s Greatness
DOCUMENT 2.1:The Tomb of Darius the Great, ca. 500 B.C.E.
DOCUMENT 2.2: Portrait of a King, ca. 475 B.C.E.
Persepolis: A Capital of All Countries, ca. 550–330 B.C.E.
Quiz for Cyrus The Great: Building on a Ruler"s Greatness
Online Document Assignment 3: Aspasia: Gender Roles in Classical Athens
DOCUMENT 3.1: Artistic Depictions of Women in Classical Greece
DOCUMENT 3.2: Greek Men"s Commentary on Greek Women
DOCUMENT 3.3: Plato"s Republic: On the Education of Women, ca. 380 B.C.E.
Essay Assignment for Aspasia: Gender Roles in Classical Athens
Quiz for Aspasia: Gender Roles In Classical Athens
Online Document Assignment 4: Alexander The Great: Motives and Consequences of Conquest
DOCUMENT 4.1: Mass Weddings at Susa: From Arrian, Anabasis of Alexander, Second Century C.E.
DOCUMENT 4.2: Polybius on Historical Causes, ca. 140 B.C.E.
DOCUMENT 4.3: Demetrius of Phalerum on the Fall of the Persian Empire, ca. 140 B.C.E.
DOCUMENT 4.4: Plutarch on the Early Years of Alexander"s Reign, ca. 100 C.E.
DOCUMENT 4.5: Alexander"s Conquests from a Jewish Perspective, ca. 125 B.C.E.
DOCUMENT 4.6: The Alexander Mosaic, ca. 100 B.C.E.
Essay Assignment for Alexander The Great: Motives and Consequences of Conquest
Quiz for Alexander The Great: Motives And Consequences Of Conquest
Online Document Assignment 5: Queen Cleopatra: Depicting the Queen and the Politics of the Late Republic
DOCUMENT 5.1: Cleopatra of Egypt: From History to Myth, 2001
DOCUMENT 5.2: Plutarch: Life of Antony, ca. 100 C.E.
DOCUMENT 5.3: Octavian Vilifies Antony and Cleopatra, ca. 200 C.E.
DOCUMENT 5.4: Strabo: Geography, ca. 7–24 C.E.
Essay Assignment for Queen Cleopatra: Depicting the Queen and the Politics of the Late Republic
Quiz for Queen Cleopatra: Depicting the Queen and the Politics of the Late Republic
Online Document Assignment 6: Bithus, a Soldier in the Roman Army: Army and Empire
DOCUMENT 6.1: Julius Caesar, The Gallic War, 50 B.C.E.
DOCUMENT 6.2: Titus Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War, ca. 75 C.E.
DOCUMENT 6.3: Vegetius, Epitome of Military Science, ca. 380–390 C.E.
Essay Assignment for Bithus, a Soldier in the Roman Army
Quiz for a Soldier in the Roman Army: Army and Empire
Online Document Assignment 7: Theodora Of Constantinople: The Demonization of an Empress
DOCUMENT 7.1: Procopius, The Moral Decline of Byzantine Women, ca. 550
DOCUMENT 7.2: Procopius, The Marriage of Justinian and Theodora, ca. 550
DOCUMENT 7.3: Contrasting Views on Corruption in the Provinces, 535
Essay Assignment for Theodora Of Constantinople: The Demonization of an Empress
Quiz for Theodora Of Constantinople: The Demonization of an Empress
Online Document Assignment 8: Assignment The Venerable Bede: Renaissance Men of the Early Middle Ages
DOCUMENT 8.1: Bede, The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, ca. 731
DOCUMENT 8.2: Alcuin, The Bishops, Kings, and Saints of York, ca. 817–836
Essay Assignment for The Venerable Bede: Renaissance Men of the Early Middle Ages
Quiz for The Venerable Bede: Renaissance Men of the Early Middle Ages
Online Document Assignment 9: Hildegard of Bingen: The Voice of the Living Light
DOCUMENT 9.1: Hildegard to Bernard of Clairvaux, ca. 1146–1147
DOCUMENT 9.2: Hildegard to Pope Eugenius III, ca. 1146–1147
DOCUMENT 9.3: Hildegard to the Prelates at Mainz, 1178
Essay Assignment for Hildegard Of Bingen: The Voice of the Living Light
Quiz for Hildegard of Bingen: The Voice of the Living Light
Online Document Assignment 10: Life in Medieval Towns: Merchant and Craft Guilds
DOCUMENT 10.1: Museum of London, Medieval London Gallery
DOCUMENT 10.2: Dispute Between the Master Saddlers of London and Their Journeymen, 1399
DOCUMENT 10.3: Guild Seals and Banners, ca. 1250–1350
DOCUMENT 10.4: Ordinances of the Dyers of Bristol, 1407
DOCUMENT 10.5: A Contract of Apprenticeship, 1248
DOCUMENT 10.6: Woodcuts Showing Merchants and Craftsmen, ca. 1200
Essay Assignment for Life in Medieval Towns: Merchant and Craft Guilds
Quiz for Life in Medieval Towns: Merchant and Craft Guilds
Online Document Assignment 11: Meister Eckhart: Anticlericalism and Popular Religion in the Late Middle Ages
DOCUMENT 11.1: Meister Eckhart on 1 John 4:9, ca. 1310–1320
DOCUMENT 11.2: Meister Eckhart"s Defense, 1327
DOCUMENT 11.3: Pope John XXII Condemns Eckhart"s Teachings, 1329
Essay Assignment for Meister Eckhart: Anticlericalism And Popular Religion In The Late Middle Ages
Quiz for Meister Eckhart: Anticlericalism And Popular Religion In The Late Middle Ages
Online Document Assignment 12: Leonardo da Vinci: A Genius and His Patrons
DOCUMENT 12.1: Leonardo to Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, ca. 1483
DOCUMENT 12.2: Leonardo to the Works Department of the Cathedral of Milan, 1487
DOCUMENT 12.3: Leonardo"s Portraits: Portrait of a Lady from the Court of Milan, ca. 1490–1495
Essay Assignment for Leonardo da Vinci: A Genius and His Patrons
Quiz for Leonardo da Vinci: A Genius and His Patrons
Online Document Assignment 13: Anna Jansz Of Rotterdam: Religious Revolutionaries
DOCUMENT 13.1: Depictions of Anabaptist Martyrs, 1544 and ca. 1536
DOCUMENT 13.2: Anna Jansz, "Trumpet Song," ca. 1535
DOCUMENT 13.3: Ausbund, The Eighteenth Hymn, 1564
Essay Assignment For Anna Jansz Of Rotterdam: Religious Revolutionaries
Quiz for Anna Jansz Of Rotterdam: Religious Revolutionaries
Online Document Assignment 14: Juan de Pareja: Race and Slavery in the Early Modern Era
DOCUMENT 14.1: Excerpts from the Laws of Virginia, 1662–1669
DOCUMENT 14.2: William Shakespeare, Othello, Act 1, Scene 1, ca. 1603–1604
DOCUMENT 14.3: The Mulatto Gentlemen of Esmeraldas
Essay Assignment for Juan de Pareja: Race and Slavery in the Early Modern Era
Quiz for Juan de Pareja: Race and Slavery in the Early Modern Era
Online Document Assignment 15: A Habsburg Ambassador"s Perspective
DOCUMENT 15.1: Busbecq Describes the Murder of Mustafa, 1581
DOCUMENT 15.2: Busbecq Describes the Morality of Turkish Women, 1581
DOCUMENT 15.3: Hürrem Intervenes on Behalf of Her Son Bajazet, 1581
Essay Assignment for Hürrem: A Habsburg Ambassador"s Perspective
Quiz for Hürrem: A Habsburg Ambassador"s Perspective
Online Document Assignment 16: Moses Mendelssohn: The Enlightenment Debate on Religious Tolerance
DOCUMENT 16.1: Moses Mendelssohn, "Reply to Lavater," 1769
DOCUMENT 16.2: Voltaire, "The Jean Calas Affair," 1763
DOCUMENT 16.3: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Nathan the Wise, 1779
Essay Assignment for Moses Mendelssohn: The Enlightenment Debate on Religious Tolerance
Quiz for Moses Mendelssohn: The Enlightenment Debate on Religious Tolerance
Online Document Assignment 17: REBECCA PROTTEN: The Souls of Slaves
DOCUMENT 17.1: James Ramsay, An Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies, 1784
DOCUMENT 17.2: Wilson Armistead, A Tribute for the Negro: Being a Vindication of the Moral, Intellectual, and Religious Capabilities of the Coloured Portion of Mankind, 1848
DOCUMENT 17.3: James Tobin, Cursory Remarks upon the Reverend Mr. Ramsay"s Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies, 1785
Essay Assignment for Rebecca Protten: The Souls of Slaves
Quiz for Rebecca Protten: The Souls of Slaves
Online Document Assignment 18: Imagining the Inner Life of the Individual: Paintings by Jean-Baptiste-Seméon Chardin
DOCUMENT 18.1: Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin Children at Play: The House of Cards, ca. 1737, and Portrait of Augustus Gabriel Godefroy, 1741
DOCUMENT 18.2: Jean-Baptiste-Siméon: Chardin Education: The Governess, 1739, and The Good Education, 1753
DOCUMENT 18.3: Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin Mother-Daughter Bonds: The Grace, 1740, and The Laborious Mother, ca. 1740
DOCUMENT 18.4: Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin Servants at Work: Woman Drawing Water from a Copper Cistern, 1733, and The Cellar Boy, 1738
Essay Assignment for Imagining the Inner Life of the Individual: Paintings by Jean-Baptiste-Seméon Chardin
Quiz for Imagining the Inner Life of the Individual: Paintings by Jean-Baptiste-Seméon Chardin
Online Document Assignment 19: TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE: The Rights of Which Men?
DOCUMENT 19.1: Letter from the Slaves of Martinique, August 29, 1789
DOCUMENT 19.2: Address to the National Assembly, October 22, 1789
DOCUMENT 19.3: Abbé Grégoire, Letter to Those Who Love Mankind, 1790
Essay Assignment for Toussaint L'Ouverture: The Rights of Which Men?
Quiz for Toussaint L'Ouverture: The Rights of Which Men?
Online Document Assignment 20: Josiah Wedgwood: Inventing a New Workforce
DOCUMENT 20.1: Peter Gaskell, The Manufacturing Population of England: Its Moral, Social, and Physical Conditions, and the Changes Which Have Arisen from the Use of Steam Machinery, 1833
DOCUMENT 20.2; Richard Guest, A Compendious History of the Cotton-Manufacture, 1823
DOCUMENT 20.3: Robert Owen, A New View of Society, 1831
Essay Assignment for Josiah Wedgwood: Inventing a New Workforce
Quiz for Josiah Wedgwood: Inventing a New Workforce
Online Document Assignment 21: GERMAINE DE STAËL: An Ambassador of Romanticism
DOCUMENT 21.1: "Of the Aspect of Germany," 1810
DOCUMENT 21.2: "Of the Influence of Enthusiasm on Learning," 1810
DOCUMENT 21.3: Ruins of the Oybin Monastery, ca. 1835, and The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog, 1818
Essay Assignment for Germaine de Staël: An Ambassador of Romanticism
Quiz for Germaine de Staël: An Ambassador of Romanticism
Online Document Assignment 22: LIFE IN THE MODERN CITY ON FILM: Addressing the Challenges of Urbanization
DOCUMENT 22.1: Mass Transportation
DOCUMENT 22.2: Building a New City
DOCUMENT 22.3: Waste Disposal
DOCUMENT 22.4: Municipal Services
DOCUMENT 22.5: Modes of Consumption
Essay Assignment for Life in the Modern City on Film
Quiz for Life in the Modern City on Film
Online Document Assignment 23: THEODOR HERZL: The "Jewish Question"
DOCUMENT 23.1: "Jews in the French Army," 1892
DOCUMENT 23.2: "Speech Before the Reichstag," 1895
DOCUMENT 23.3: The Jewish State, 1896
Essay Assignment for Theodor Herzl: The "Jewish Question"
Quiz for Theodor Herzl: The "Jewish Question"
Online Document Assignment 24: CECIL RHODES: The "Greatness" of an Imperialist
DOCUMENT 24.1: "Confession of Faith," 1877
DOCUMENT 24.2: Rhodes on a Pile of Skulls, ca. 1890–1900
DOCUMENT 24.3: The Life of the Right Honorable Cecil John Rhodes, 1910
DOCUMENT 24.4: Introduction to John Flint"s Cecil Rhodes, 1974
Essay Assignment for Cecil Rhodes: The "Greatness" of an Imperialist
Quiz for Cecil Rhodes: The "Greatness" of an Imperialist
Online Document Assignment 25: VERA BRITTAIN: Calling Young Women to War
DOCUMENT 25.1: Third Red Cross Roll Call, ca. 1917–1918
DOCUMENT 25.2: The Spirit of America, Join, ca. 1917–1918
DOCUMENT 25.3: The Prettiest Fashion, 1915
DOCUMENT 25.4: Red Cross or Iron Cross? ca. 1914–1918
Essay Assignment for Vera Brittain: Calling Young Women to War
Quiz for Vera Brittain: Calling Young Women to War
Online Document Assignment 26: GUSTAV STRESEMANN: Competing Visions of Germany
DOCUMENT 26.1: German Center Party Program, 1922
DOCUMENT 26.2: Social Democratic Party Program, 1925
DOCUMENT 26.3: German People"s Party, 1931
Essay Assignment for Gustav Stresemann: Competing Visions of Germany
Quiz for Gustav Stresemann: Competing Visions of Germany
Online Document Assignment 27: PRIMO LEVI: Remembering the Holocaust
DOCUMENT 27.1: Abraham Bomba Interview, 1990
DOCUMENT 27.2: Dorotka Goldstein Roth Interview, 1989
DOCUMENT 27.3: Leo Schneiderman Interview, 1990
DOCUMENT 27.4: Ruth Webber Interview, 1992
Essay Assignment for Primo Levi: Remembering the Holocaust
Quiz for Primo Levi: Remembering the Holocaust
Online Document Assignment 28: ARMANDO RODRIGUES: Postwar Rebuilding and the Creation of a Multicultural Germany
DOCUMENT 28.1: "The Integration of the Southern Labor Force and Its Specific Adaptation Problems," 1961
DOCUMENT 28.2: "How the Turkish Worker Should Behave and Defend His Character in a Foreign Country," 1961
DOCUMENT 28.3: Heidelberg Manifesto, 1982
Essay Assignment for Armando Rodrigues
Quiz for Armando Rodrigues
Online Document Assignment 29: MARGARET THATCHER: Rebranding the Conservative Message for a Changing World
DOCUMENT 29.1: Labour Isn"t Working, 1979
DOCUMENT 29.2: Labour Says He"s Black. Tories Say He"s British. 1978
DOCUMENT 29.3: It Was a Conservative . . . , 1978
DOCUMENT 29.4: Even Labour"s Better with the Tories, 1978
Essay Assignment for Margaret Thatcher: Rebranding the Conservative Message for a Changing World
Quiz for Margaret Thatcher: Rebranding the Conservative Message for a Changing World
Online Document Assignment 30: CONTESTING GLOBALIZATION: Global Organizations, Movements, and Antiglobal Protest
DOCUMENT 30.1: The World Trade Organization and Its Critics, 2009–2013
DOCUMENT 30.2: Occupy Wall Street, 2013
DOCUMENT 30.3: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): "Myths vs. Reality," 2013
DOCUMENT 30.4: Environmental Organizations, 2012–2013
Essay Assignment for Contesting Globalization
Quiz for Contesting Globalization
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