Quiz for Juan de Pareja: Race and Slavery in the Early Modern Era

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Quiz for Juan de Pareja: Race and Slavery in the Early Modern Era

Question 14.1

1. What steps did Virginia lawmakers take to reinforce the racial division between white servants and black slaves (see Document 14.1)?


Correct. The answer is b. Through this law, they sought to reinforce the idea that slavery was a lifelong, inheritable condition, at the same time that they tried to limit the size of the mixed-race population.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Through this law, they sought to reinforce the idea that slavery was a lifelong, inheritable condition, at the same time that they tried to limit the size of the mixed-race population.

Question 14.2

2. How did Virginia lawmakers justify their decision to exempt masters who killed their slaves from prosecution for felony murder (see Document 14.1)?


Correct. The answer is b. This law contributed to the overarching legal position that slaves were mere property.
Incorrect. The answer is b. This law contributed to the overarching legal position that slaves were mere property.

Question 14.3

3. Iago's descriptions of Othello (see Document 14.2) emphasize his alleged


Correct. The answer is a. For example, Iago describes Othello as an "old black ram" and a "Barbary horse."
Incorrect. The answer is a. For example, Iago describes Othello as an "old black ram" and a "Barbary horse."

Question 14.4

4. In the painting titled The Mulatto Gentlemen of Esmeraldas (see Document 14.3), the subjects' "primitive" nature is signaled by their


Correct. The answer is c. The artist sought to comment on the subjects' partial cultural assimilation by including a mix of European and non-European elements in the painting.
Incorrect. The answer is c. The artist sought to comment on the subjects' partial cultural assimilation by including a mix of European and non-European elements in the painting.