World War Two
1. 1933
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland
2. 1939
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland
3. 1940
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland
4. 1941
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland
5. 1941- 1945
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland
6. 1942- 1943
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland
7. 1944
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland
8. 1945
-------- The Holocaust Battle of Stalingrad Soviet and U.S. forces enter Germany; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan; World War II ends Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle of Britain begins Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, granting Hitler absolute dictatorial power Allied invasion at Normandy Germany invades U.S.S.R.; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II; Soviet Union occupies eastern Poland