Document 13-3: Figure of a Lohan, Yuan Dynasty (1260–1368)

A Chinese Sculptor Envisions Enlightenment

Despite the hardships and disruptions caused by Mongol rule, the sophisticated Chinese artistic culture that had flowered during the Song Dynasty continued to produce extraordinary works during the Yuan Dynasty. This sculpture of a Lohan is a case in point. In Theravada Buddhism, a Lohan is one who has traveled the Buddha’s Eight-Fold Path, achieved enlightenment, and is therefore no longer subject to rebirth. Many believed that upon achieving enlightenment Lohans acquired supernatural powers. Sculptures and paintings of Lohans were common elements in Chinese Buddhist temples, and many of these works featured stereotypical poses and expressions. The sculpture pictured here, however, transcended the conventions of the genre, taking on the challenge of presenting a Lohan as a unique, fully human individual. As you examine the sculpture, ask yourself why the artist made the choices he did. What might he have wanted to say about the nature of enlightenment?

Private Collection/Bridgeman Images.


  1. In what ways, if any, does the sculpture hint at the Lohan’s spiritual status?
  2. How would you characterize the Lohan’s expression? What do you imagine he is thinking and feeling?