Comparative Questions?
- What differences between African and European views of African slavery do the documents in this chapter reveal?
- How might Falconbridge (Document 20-3) have reacted to the painting of enslaved Africans marching to the sea (Document 20-5)? What about Equiano (Document 20-4)? Osei Bonsu (Document 20-2)?
- Falconbridge writes of the “ignorance, superstition, and savageness” of Africa based on her observations of Sierra Leone (Document 20-3). In what ways does her assessment seem to support or refute the impression of West Africa presented by other sources?
- What key differences, if any, exist between the two pro-slavery documents here (Documents 20-2 and 20-3)?
- Several of the authors in this chapter invoke morality to talk about the slave trade. What, specifically, are the moral standards cited in the various documents?