Comparative Questions?

  1. Most of the documents in this chapter are written from a non-Western point of view; two, however, present a European view of non-Europeans. How do the photograph (Document 25-5) and Rhodes’s “Confession” (Document 25-2) each present Africans? What is the role of Africans in each document?
  2. Each of these documents deals in some way with the intersection of non-Western cultures and modern (if not Western) ideas and influences. How does each present the idea of modernization? What is the influence of the modern world in each case?
  3. Consider the 1856 Ottoman rescript on equality (Document 25-1) and Rhodes’s 1877 “Confession”(Document 25-2). How does each present the idea of managing diverse populations?
  4. Taken together, what do the documents in this chapter tell you about the nature of colonial rule in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? What do they reveal about the motives behind the new imperialism?

Roger Anstey, “The Congo Rubber Atrocities: A Case Study,” African Historical Studies, 4:1 (1971): 72.