Understanding Western Society
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Introduction for Chapter 6



27 B.C.E.–284 C.E.

What was life like in the Roman Empire during the period of the pax Romana? Chapter 6 examines the first three centuries of Roman imperial rule. In 27 B.C.E., the civil wars were largely over and Augustus had emerged the victor. With peace came prosperity, stability, and a new political order that retained the trappings of the republic while concentrating power in the hands of one man. Under Augustus and the rulers that followed him, the boundaries of the Roman Empire expanded in all directions. Gaul, Germany, Britain, and eastern Europe were introduced to Greco-Roman culture. A new religion, Christianity, developed in the eastern Roman province of Judaea, and spread throughout the empire. By the third century C.E., civil wars had returned, however, and it seemed as if Augustus’s creation would collapse.


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Life in Imperial Rome. In this terra-cotta relief from the third century C.E., a woman sells fruit. Shops like this one were common in imperial Rome. (De Agostini Picture Library/A. Dagli Orti/The Bridgeman Art Library)


27 B.C.E.–68 C.E.

Julio-Claudian emperors; expansion into northern and western Europe

ca. 50 B.C.E.– 20 C.E.

“Golden age” of Latin literature

ca. 3 B.C.E.–ca. 29 C.E.

Life of Jesus

69–96 C.E.

Flavian emperors; restoration of order

70 C.E.

Rebellion crushed in Judaea

96–180 C.E.

Era of the “five good emperors,” with relative peace and prosperity

193–211 C.E.

Emperor Septimius Severus expands Rome’s borders in Africa and western Asia

212 C.E.

Edict of Caracalla makes all free males living in Roman Empire citizens

235–284 C.E.

Barracks emperors; civil war; breakdown of the empire; economic decline