Understanding Western Society
Printed Page 242

>How did monarchs try to centralize political power?

BBEGINNING IN THE ELEVENTH CENTURY, rulers in some parts of Europe began to manipulate existing institutions to build up their power, becoming kings over growing and slowly centralizing states. As rulers expanded their territories and extended their authority, they developed larger bureaucracies, armies, judicial systems, and other institutions of state to maintain control and ensure order. Because these institutions cost money, rulers also initiated systems for generating revenue and handling financial matters. Some rulers were more successful than others, and the solutions they found to these problems laid the foundations for modern national states.

Emperor Frederick II Granting PrivilegesA young Frederick II signs a grant of privileges for a merchant of the Italian city of Asti in this thirteenth-century manuscript. Frederick wears the flamboyant and fashionable clothing of a high noble, while the merchant seeking his favor is dressed in more sober and less expensive garb. (Scala/Art Resource, NY)