Understanding Western Society
Printed Page 342

Introduction for Chapter 12




>What new ways of thinking and new forms of cultural expression were developed during the Renaissance? Chapter 12 examines the emergence of a new culture in southern Europe. The fourteenth century witnessed remarkable changes in Italian intellectual, artistic, and cultural life. Artists and writers thought that they were living in a new golden age, but not until the sixteenth century was this change given the label we use today — the Renaissance, derived from the French word for “rebirth.” That word was first used by art historian Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574) to describe the art of “rare men of genius.” Through their works, Vasari judged, the glory of the classical past had been reborn after centuries of darkness. Over time, the word’s meaning was broadened to include many aspects of life during that period. The new attitude had a slow diffusion out of Italy, and thus the Renaissance “happened” at different times in different parts of Europe. The Renaissance was a movement, not a time period.


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Life in the Renaissance. In this detail from a fresco, Italian painter Lorenzo Lotto captures the mixing of social groups in a Renaissance Italian city. (Scala/Art Resource, NY)


ca. 1350 1478
– Petrarch develops ideas of humanism – Establishment of the Inquisition in Spain
1434–1737 1492
– Medici family in power in Florence – Spain conquers Granada, ending reconquista; practicing Jews expelled from Spain
1440s 1494
– Invention of movable metal type – Invasion of Italy by Charles VIII of France
1447–1535 1508–1512
– Sforza family in power in Milan – Michelangelo paints ceiling of Sistine Chapel
1455–1471 1513
– Wars of the Roses in England – Machiavelli writes The Prince
1469 1563
– Marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon – Establishment of first formal academy for artistic training in Florence
– Louis XI conquers Burgundy