Understanding Western Society
Printed Page 444

Introduction for Chapter 15



CA. 1589–1725

>What were the most important political trends in seventeenth-century Europe? Chapter 15 examines seventeenth-century political developments. The seventeenth century was a period of crisis and transformation in Europe. Agricultural and manufacturing slumps led to food shortages and shrinking population rates. Religious and dynastic conflicts led to almost constant war, visiting violence and destruction on ordinary people and reshaping European states. While absolutism emerged as the solution to these challenges in many European states, a small minority, most notably England and the Dutch Republic, adopted a different path, placing sovereignty in the hands of privileged groups rather than the Crown.


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Life at the French Royal Court. King Louis XIV receives foreign ambassadors to celebrate a peace treaty. (Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY)


ca. 1500–1650 1665–1683
– Consolidation of serfdom in eastern Europe Jean-Baptiste Colbert applies mercantilism to France
1533–1584 1670
– Reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia Charles II agrees to re-Catholicize England in secret agreement with Louis XIV
1589–1610 ca. 1680–1750
– Reign of Henry IV in France – Construction of absolutist palaces
1598–1613 1682
– Time of Troubles in Russia – Louis XIV moves court to Versailles
1620–1740 1682–1725
– Growth of absolutism in Austria and Prussia – Reign of Peter the Great in Russia
1642–1649 1683–1718
– English civil war, which ends with execution of Charles I – Habsburgs push the Ottoman Turks from Hungary
1643–1715 1685
– Reign of Louis XIV in France – Edict of Nantes revoked in France
1653–1658 1688–1689
– Military rule in England under Oliver Cromwell (the Protectorate) – Glorious Revolution in England
1660 1701–1713
– Restoration of English monarchy under Charles II – War of the Spanish Succession