Understanding Western Society
Printed Page 484

Introduction for Chapter 16




>What new ways of looking at nature, society, and government emerged in the Early Modern period? Chapter 16 examines the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, fundamentally new ways of understanding the natural world emerged. The new science entailed the search for precise knowledge of the physical world based on the union of experimental observations with sophisticated mathematics. In the eighteenth century, philosophers extended the use of reason from the study of nature to human society. While the Scientific Revolution ushered in modern science, the Enlightenment created concepts of human rights, equality, progress, universalism, and tolerance that still guide Western societies today. At the same time, some people used their new understanding of nature and reason to proclaim their own superiority, thus rationalizing attitudes such as racism and male chauvinism.


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Life During the Scientific Revolution. This 1768 painting by Joseph Wright captures the popularization of science and experimentation during the Enlightenment. (National Gallery, London/The Bridgeman Art Library)


ca. 1540–1700 ca. 1740–1789
Scientific Revolution Salons led by Parisian elites
ca. 1690–1789 1751–1772
Enlightenment Philosophes publish Encyclopedia: The Rational Dictionary of the Sciences, the Arts, and the Crafts
ca. 1700–1800 1756–1763
Growth of book publishing Seven Years’ War
1720–1780 1762–1796
Rococo style in art and decoration Reign of Catherine the Great of Russia
1740–1748 1780–1790
War of the Austrian Succession Reign of Joseph II of Austria
1740–1780 1791
Reign of the empress Maria Theresa of Austria – Establishment of the Pale of Settlement
Reign of Frederick the Great of Prussia