Understanding Western Society
Printed Page 597

>Why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France and much of Europe?

NNAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1769–1821) realized that he needed to put an end to civil strife in France in order to create unity and consolidate his rule. And he did. But Napoleon saw himself as a man of destiny, and the glory of war and the dream of universal empire proved irresistible. For years, he went from victory to victory, but in the end he was destroyed by a mighty coalition united in fear of his restless ambition.

The Coronation of Napoleon, 1804In this detail from a grandiose painting by Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon, instead of the pope, prepares to crown his wife, Josephine, in an elaborate ceremony in Notre Dame Cathedral. Napoleon, the ultimate upstart, also crowned himself. Pope Pius VII, seated glumly behind the emperor, is reduced to being a spectator. (Louvre, Paris, France/The Bridgeman Art Library)