Understanding Western Society
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Introduction for Chapter 20



CA. 1780–1850

>How did the Industrial Revolution transform the society and economy of Europe? Chapter 20 examines the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, which took off around 1780 in Great Britain and soon began to influence continental Europe and the United States. Industrialization profoundly modified much of the human experience. It changed patterns of work, transformed the social class structure and the way people thought about class, and eventually altered the international balance of political power. It is quite possible that only the development of agriculture during Neolithic times had a comparable impact and significance.


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Life in the Industrial Revolution. Daily life for industrial workers was harsh, especially for the many child laborers who worked in the new factories and in other industries, like the glassworks pictured here. (Heritage/The Image Works)


ca. 1765 1829
Hargreaves invents spinning jenny; Arkwright creates water frame – Stephenson introduces the Rocket, an early locomotive
1769 1830s
Watt patents modern steam engine Industrial banks in Belgium
1775–1783 1834
American Revolution Zollverein erected among most German states
ca. 1780–1850 1842
Industrial Revolution; population boom in Britain Mines Act passed in Britain
1799 1844
Combination Acts passed Engels publishes The Condition of the Working Class in England
1802–1833 1850s
Series of Factory Acts passed by British government to limit the workday of child laborers and set minimum hygiene and safety requirements Japan begins to adopt Western technologies; industrial gap widens between the West and the rest of the world
1810 1851
Strike of Manchester cotton spinners Great Exhibition held at Crystal Palace in London
ca. 1815 1860s
Industrial gap between continental Europe and Britain widens Germany and the United States begin to industrialize rapidly
Combination Acts repealed