Understanding Western Society
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Louis Napoleon Bonaparte won an overwhelming victory in the French presidential election of December 1848. This outcome occurred for several reasons. First, he had the great name of his uncle. Second, middle-
Above all, Louis Napoleon promoted a vision of national unity and social progress. He believed that the government should represent the people and help them economically. But how, in the face of entrenched interest groups, could these tasks be accomplished? The answer, according to Louis Napoleon, was a strong, even authoritarian, national leader, like the first Napoleon, whose efforts to provide jobs and stimulate the economy would serve all people, rich and poor. This leader would be linked to each citizen by direct democracy, his sovereignty uncorrupted by politicians and legislative bodies.
Elected to a four-
But in 1851, after the Assembly failed to cooperate with that last aim, Louis Napoleon began to conspire with key army officers. On December 2, 1851, he illegally dismissed the legislature and seized power in a coup d’état, using the army to crush all resistance. Restoring universal male suffrage and claiming to stand above political bickering, Louis Napoleon called on the French people, as the first Napoleon had done, to legalize his actions. They did: 92 percent voted to make him president for ten years. A year later, 97 percent in a plebiscite made him hereditary emperor.