Understanding Western Society
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Like its allies and enemies, Russia had embraced war with patriotic enthusiasm in 1914. Enthusiasm for the war soon waned, however, as better-
One problem was weak leadership. A kindly but narrow-
His departure was a fatal turning point. In his absence, Tsarina Alexandra arbitrarily dismissed loyal political advisers. She turned to her court favorite, the disreputable and unpopular Rasputin, an uneducated Siberian preacher. In a desperate attempt to right the situation, three members of the high aristocracy murdered Rasputin in December 1916. The ensuing scandal further undermined support for the tsarist government.
Imperial Russia had entered a terminal crisis. Tens of thousands of soldiers deserted. By early 1917, the cities were wracked by shortages, and the economy was breaking down. In March, violent street demonstrations broke out in Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg), spread to the factories, and then engulfed the city. From the front, the tsar ordered the army to open fire on the protesters, but the soldiers refused to shoot and joined the revolutionary crowd instead. The Duma declared a provisional government on March 12, 1917. Three days later, Nicholas abdicated.