Understanding Western Society
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World War I broke peoples and nations. The trials of total war increased the power of the centralized state and brought down the Austro-
Despite high hopes for Wilson’s Fourteen Points, the Treaty of Versailles hardly brought lasting peace. The war’s disruptions encouraged radical political conflict in the 1920s and 1930s and the rise of totalitarian regimes across Europe, which led to the even more extreme violence of the Second World War. Indeed, some historians believe that the years from 1914 to 1945 might most accurately be labeled a modern Thirty Years’ War because the problems unleashed in August 1914 were only really resolved in the 1950s. For all of Europe, World War I was a revolutionary conflict of gigantic proportions with lasting traumatic effects.
Vera Brittain
What role did wartime propaganda play in encouraging women like Vera Brittain to get involved in the war effort?
Keeping the question above in mind, analyze a variety of propaganda posters calling for women to serve as military nurses.
See Document Project for Chapter 25.