Understanding Western Society
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In the mid-
Murderous repression picked up steam over the next two years. It culminated in the “great purge” of 1936 to 1938, a series of spectacular public show trials in which false evidence, often gathered using torture, was used to incriminate party administrators and Red Army leaders. In August 1936, sixteen “Old Bolsheviks” — prominent leaders who had been in the party since the Russian Revolution — confessed to all manner of contrived plots against Stalin; all were executed. In 1937, the secret police arrested a mass of lesser party officials and newer members, using torture to extract confessions and precipitating more show trials. In addition to the party faithful, union officials, managers, intellectuals, army officers, and countless ordinary citizens were accused of counter-
The purges seriously weakened the Soviet Union in economic, intellectual, and military terms. But they left Stalin in command of a vast new state apparatus, staffed by the 1.5 million new party members enlisted to replace the purge victims. Thus more than half of all Communist Party members in 1941 had joined since the purges, and they experienced rapid social advance. Often the children of workers, they had usually studied in the new technical schools, and they soon proved capable of managing the government and large-
Why did so many ordinary Soviet citizens support Stalin and his policies?