Understanding Western Society
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The growth of the counterculture movement was also closely linked to the escalation of the Vietnam War. American involvement in Vietnam was a product of the Cold War policy of containment (see "West Versus East" in Chapter 28). After Vietnam won independence from France in 1954 and was divided into a Communist north and an anticommunist south, U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower (r. 1953–
In the end, the American strategy of limited warfare backfired. The undeclared war in Vietnam, fought nightly on American television, eventually divided the nation. Initial public support was strong, but an antiwar movement quickly emerged on college campuses. In October 1965, student protesters joined forces with old-
Criticism reached a crescendo after the Vietcong staged the Tet Offensive in January 1968. The Communists’ first comprehensive attack on major South Vietnamese cities failed militarily, but the Tet Offensive signaled that the war was not close to ending, as Washington had claimed. Within months of Tet, President Johnson announced that he would not stand for re-
President Richard M. Nixon (r. 1969–
In early 1974, however, North Vietnam launched a successful general invasion. The South Vietnamese were forced to accept a unified country under a Communist dictatorship, ending a conflict that had begun with the anticolonial struggle against the French at the end of World War II.