Understanding Western Society
Printed Page 950

Introduction for Chapter 30



1990 to the Present

>What opportunities and challenges are Europeans presented with at the dawn of the twenty-first century? Chapter 30 examines the challenges and opportunities Europeans faced in the decades following the end of the Cold War. The revolutions of 1989 had opened a new chapter in European and world history and also opened many possibilities, but the new era also brought problems and tragedies. In addition, across the West and around the world, globalization, the digital revolution, and the ongoing flow of immigrants into western Europe had impacts both positive and negative. As Europeans faced serious tensions and complex changes in the twenty-first century, they also came together to form a strong new European Union that would prove a formidable economic competitor to the United States. Ties between western Europe and the United States began to loosen, but Europe and North America — as well as the rest of the world — confronted common challenges, challenges that would require innovation as well as creative cooperation.


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Life in a Globalizing World. Rapid globalization has had a profound impact on many aspects of society and culture. Here spectators view i-city, an interactive artwork in the Russian Pavilion at the 2012 Venice Biennale exhibition of contemporary art. (© Giulia Candussi/XianPix/Corbis)


1980s–1990s 2002
Emergence of globalization Euro replaces national currencies in Eurozone
1990s–2010s 2003-2011
New waves of legal and illegal immigration to Europe Iraq War
1991 2004
Maastricht Treaty Train bombings in Madrid by Islamic extremists
1991–2001 2005
Civil war in Yugoslavia Young Muslims riot in France; subway bombing in London by Islamic extremists
1992–1997 2008
Decline of Russian economy Worldwide financial crisis begins
1993 2009
Creation of the European Union Ratification of Treaty of Lisbon; young Muslims riot in France
1999 2011
Protests against World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle Start of Arab Spring
2000–2008 2012-2013
Resurgence of Russian economy under Putin Mass protests against government austerity plans in Greece and Spain
2001 2013
September 11 terrorist attack on the United States; war in Afghanistan begins France legalizes same-sex marriage