Understanding Western Society
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Globalization transformed the lives of millions of people as the technological changes associated with postindustrial society (see Chapter 29) remade workplaces and lifestyles around the world. Widespread adoption of neoliberal free-
The outsourcing of manufacturing jobs dramatically changed the nature of work in western Europe and North America. Fewer and fewer people worked in manufacturing, while more and more entered the service sector. The numbers varied country by country, yet across Europe the trend was clear: by 2005, only about one in three workers was still employed in the once-
The deindustrialization of Europe established a multitiered society with winners and losers. At the top was a small, affluent group of experts, executives, and professionals — about one-
In the bottom tier — in some areas as much as a quarter of the population — a poorly paid underclass performed the unskilled jobs of a postindustrial economy or were chronically unemployed. In western Europe and North America, inclusion in this lowest segment of society was often linked to race, ethnicity, and a lack of educational opportunity.
Geographic contrasts further revealed the unequal aspects of globalization. Regions in Europe that had successfully shifted to a postindustrial economy enjoyed prosperity, while regions historically dependent on heavy industry lagged behind. In addition, a global north-
The human costs of globalization resulted in new forms of global protest. Critics accused global corporations and financial groups of doing little to address problems caused by their activities, such as social inequality, pollution, and unfair labor practices. The Slow Food movement that began in Italy, for example, criticized American-
The general tone of the antiglobalization movement was captured at the 1999 meeting of the WTO in Seattle, Washington. Tens of thousands of protesters from around the world, including environmentalists, consumer and antipoverty activists, and labor rights groups, marched in the streets and disrupted the meeting. Comparable demonstrations took place at later meetings of the WTO, the World Bank, and other supranational groups. As one angry participant put it, “The WTO seems to be on a crusade to increase private profit at the expense of all other considerations, including the well-
Similar feelings inspired the Occupy movement, which began in the United States in 2011 and quickly spread to over eighty countries. Under the slogan “We are the 99 percent,” thousands of people camped out in (or “occupied”) public places to protest the rapidly growing social inequality that divided a tiny wealthy elite (the “1 percent”) from the vast majority of ordinary people.
Contesting Globalization
What do the goals of major global organizations and antiglobal movements reveal about the experience of globalization in the twenty-
Learn more about the goals of key global organizations and movements, from the World Trade Organization and its detractors to the Occupy movement. Then complete a writing assignment based on the evidence and details from this chapter.
See Document Project for Chapter 30.