Understanding Western Society
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Looking Back, Looking Ahead


The twenty-first century opened with changes and new challenges for the Western world. The collapse of the East Bloc brought more-representative government to central and eastern Europe but left millions struggling to adapt to a different way of life in market economies. High-tech information systems that quickened the pace of communications and the global reach of new supranational institutions made the world a smaller place, yet globalization left some struggling to maintain their livelihoods. New contacts between peoples, made possible by increased migration, revitalized European society but raised concerns about cultural differences and sometimes led to violent confrontations.

One thing is sure: despite the success of European democracy and liberalism, and despite the high living standards enjoyed by most Europeans, the challenges won’t go away. The search for solutions to environmental degradation and conflicts between ethnic and religious groups, and the promotion of human rights around the globe, will clearly occupy European and world leaders for some time to come.



Contesting Globalization

What do the goals of major global organizations and antiglobal movements reveal about the experience of globalization in the twenty-first century?

Learn more about the goals of key global organizations and movements, from the World Trade Organization and its detractors to the Occupy movement.

See Document Project for Chapter 30.