
1914–1918World War I
June 28, 1914Serbian nationalist assassinates Archduke Francis Ferdinand
August 1914War begins
September 1914Battle of the Marne; German victories on the eastern front
October 1914Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers
1915Italy joins the Triple Entente; German submarine sinks the Lusitania; Germany halts unrestricted submarine warfare
1915–1918Armenian genocide; German armies occupy large parts of east-central Europe
1916Battles of Verdun and the Somme
1916–1918Antiwar movement spreads throughout Europe; Arab rebellion against Ottoman Empire
1917Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare
March 1917February Revolution in Russia
April 1917United States enters the war
October–November 1917Battle of Caporetto
November 1917Bolshevik Revolution in Russia; Balfour Declaration on Jewish homeland in Palestine
1918Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; revolution in Germany
1918–1920Civil war in Russia
1919Treaty of Versailles; Allies invade Turkey
1923Treaty of Lausanne recognizes Turkish independence