
1945Yalta Conference; end of World War II in Europe; Potsdam Conference; Nuremberg trials begin
1945–1960sDecolonization of Asia and Africa
1945–1965United States takes lead in Big Science
1947Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan
1948Founding of Israel
1948–1949Berlin airlift
1949Creation of East and West Germany; formation of NATO; establishment of COMECON
1950–1953Korean War
1953Death of Stalin
1955–1964Khrushchev in power; de-Stalinization of Soviet Union
1955Warsaw Pact founded
1956Suez crisis
1957Formation of Common Market; Pasternak publishes Doctor Zhivago
1961Building of Berlin Wall
1962Cuban missile crisis; Solzhenitsyn publishes One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
1964Brezhnev replaces Khrushchev as Soviet leader