
1980s–1990sEmergence of globalization
1990s–2010sNew waves of legal and illegal immigration to Europe
1991Maastricht Treaty
1991–2001Civil war in Yugoslavia
1992–1997Decline of Russian economy
1993Creation of the European Union
1999Protests against WTO in Seattle
2000–2008Resurgence of Russian economy under Putin
2001September 11 terrorist attack on the United States; war in Afghanistan begins
2002Euro replaces national currencies in Eurozone
2003–2011Iraq War
2004Train bombings in Madrid by Islamic extremists
2005Young Muslims riot in France; subway bombing in London by Islamic extremists
2008Worldwide financial crisis begins
2009Ratification of Treaty of Lisbon; young Muslims riot in France
2011Start of Arab Spring
2012–2013Mass protests against government austerity plans in Greece and Spain
2013France legalizes same-sex marriage