
ca. 1000 B.C.E.Earliest settlements in the area that became the city of Rome
753 B.C.E.Traditional founding of the city of Rome
509 B.C.E.Traditional date of establishment of the Roman Republic
451–449 B.C.E.Laws of the Twelve Tables written and issued
387 B.C.E.Gauls sack Rome
367 B.C.E.Licinian-Sextian laws passed
ca. 265 B.C.E.Romans control most of Italy
264–201; 149–146 B.C.E.Punic Wars
133–121 B.C.E.Reforms of the Gracchi
107–31 B.C.E.Turmoil in the late republic (see timeline, page 146)
44 B.C.E.Julius Caesar assassinated
31 B.C.E.Octavian defeats Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium
27 B.C.E.Senate issues decrees giving Octavian great power