Quiz for Primary Source 26.4: Keynes on German Reparations After World War I


Correct. The answer is c. As Keynes described the situation, Europe’s lack of self-sufficiency made it dependent on a “delicate and immensely complicated organization” of international trade. In his view, the Allies’ post-war policies threatened that organization.
Incorrect. The answer is c. As Keynes described the situation, Europe’s lack of self-sufficiency made it dependent on a “delicate and immensely complicated organization” of international trade. In his view, the Allies’ post-war policies threatened that organization.


Correct. The answer is a. Keynes concluded his argument by noting that even if the imposition of reparations on Germany were economically advantageous, it was “abhorrent and detestable.”
Incorrect. The answer is a. Keynes concluded his argument by noting that even if the imposition of reparations on Germany were economically advantageous, it was “abhorrent and detestable.”