Quiz for Primary Source 27.2: Stalin Justifies the Five-Year Plan


1. Why did Stalin believe that it was imperative for the Soviet Union to increase the pace of industrialization?


Correct. The answer is a. Looking back at Russian history, Stalin attributed all of Russia’s defeats to its “backwardness.” He was determined that the Soviet Union should not suffer a similar fate.
Incorrect. The answer is a. Looking back at Russian history, Stalin attributed all of Russia’s defeats to its “backwardness.” He was determined that the Soviet Union should not suffer a similar fate.


2. In Stalin’s view, how far was the Soviet Union behind its capitalist rivals in its industrial development?


Correct. The answer is c. Stalin believed that if the Soviet Union did not close this fifty- to one-hundred-year gap in ten years, it would be defeated and enslaved by the advanced nations of Europe.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Stalin believed that if the Soviet Union did not close this fifty- to one-hundred-year gap in ten years, it would be defeated and enslaved by the advanced nations of Europe.


3. What did Stalin think still needed to be done in order for the Soviet Union to achieve the necessary rate of industrial progress?


Correct. The answer is c. Stalin suggested that the difficult task of gaining the commitment of the Soviet people to industrialization had already been accomplished. With that task completed, all that was left was to master the intellectual aspects of industrial development.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Stalin suggested that the difficult task of gaining the commitment of the Soviet people to industrialization had already been accomplished. With that task completed, all that was left was to master the intellectual aspects of industrial development.