Welcome to the LaunchPad for A History of Western Society 12e

Instructor Welcome Page

Student Welcome Page

1. Origins, TO 1200 B.C.E.

Introduction for Chapter 1

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 1

Understanding Western History

Describing the West

What Is Civilization?

The Earliest Human Societies

From the First Hominids to the Paleolithic Era

Evaluating the Evidence 1.1: Paleolithic Venus Figures

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 1.1: Paleolithic Venus Figures

Planting Crops

Implications of Agriculture

Trade and Cross-Cultural Connections

Living in the Past: The Iceman

Civilization in Mesopotamia

Environment and Mesopotamian Development

The Invention of Writing and the First Schools

Religion in Mesopotamia

Evaluating the Evidence 1.2:

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 1.2: Gilgamesh's Quest for Immortality

Sumerian Politics and Society

Empires in Mesopotamia

The Akkadians and the Babylonians

Thinking Like a Historian: Addressing the Gods

Life Under Hammurabi

Cultural Exchange in the Fertile Crescent

The Egyptians

The Nile and the God-King

Egyptian Religion

Egyptian Society and Work

Egyptian Family Life

Evaluating the Evidence 1.3: Egyptian Home Life

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 1.3: Egyptian Home Life

The Hyksos and New Kingdom Revival

Mapping the Past for Chapter 1

Individuals in Society: Hatshepsut and Nefertiti

Conflict and Cooperation with the Hittites

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

1. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 1

Quiz for Document 1-1: The Battle Between Marduk and Tiamat(ca. 2000–1000 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1-2: The Epic of Gilgamesh(ca. 2750 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1-3: The Code of Hammurabi(ca. 1780 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1-4: The Egyptian Book of the Dead(ca. 2100–1800 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1-5: Letters Between a Sumerian King and His Prime Minister(ca. 2000–1700 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1-6: Akhenaten,The Hymn to Aton(ca. 1350 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1-7: Lamentation Over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur(ca. 2000–1700 B.C.E.)

2. Small Kingdoms and Mighty Empires in the Near East, 1200–510 B.C.E.

Introduction for Chapter 2

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 2

Iron and the Emergence of New States

Iron Technology

The Decline of Egypt and the Emergence of Kush

The Rise of Phoenicia

Evaluating the Evidence 2.1: The Report of Wenamun

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 2.1: The Report of Wenamun

The Hebrews

The Hebrew State

The Jewish Religion

Hebrew Family and Society

Evaluating the Evidence 2.2: A Jewish Family Contract

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 2.2: A Jewish Family Contract

Thinking Like a Historian: The Moral Life

Assyria, the Military Monarchy

Assyria’s Long Road to Power

Mapping the Past for Chapter 2

Assyrian Rule and Culture

Evaluating the Evidence 2.3: Assyrians Besiege a City

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 2.3: Assyrians Besiege a City

Living in the Past: Assyrian Palace Life and Power

The Neo-Babylonian Empire

The Empire of the Persian Kings

Consolidation of the Persian Empire

Individuals in Society: Cyrus the Great

Persian Religion

Persian Art and Culture

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

2. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 2

Quiz for Document 2-1: Book of Genesis(ca. 950–450 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2-2: Exodus and Deuteronomy(ca. 950–450 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2-3: Assyrian Kings Proclaim Their Greatness(ca. 1220–1070 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2-4: Cyrus of Persia,Ruling an Empire(ca. 550 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2-5: Book of Isaiah: Blessings for Cyrus(ca. 550 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2-6: Zoroaster,Gatha 30: Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds(ca. 600 B.C.E.)

3. The Development of Greek Society and Culture, ca. 3000–338 B.C.E.

Introduction for Chapter 3

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 3

Greece in the Bronze Age

Geography and Settlement

The Minoans

The Mycenaeans

Homer, Hesiod, and the Epic

The Development of the Polis in the Archaic Age

Organization of the Polis

Evaluating the Evidence 3.1: Hesiod,Works and Days

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 3.1: Hesiod, Works and Days

Governing Structures

Overseas Expansion

The Growth of Sparta

The Evolution of Athens

War and Turmoil in the Classical Period

The Persian Wars

Growth of the Athenian Empire

Living in the Past: Triremes and Their Crews

The Peloponnesian War

Mapping the Past for Chapter 3

The Struggle for Dominance

Philip II and Macedonian Supremacy

Classical Greek Life and Culture

Athenian Arts in the Age of Pericles

Evaluating the Evidence 3.2: The Acropolis of Athens

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 3.2: The Acropolis of Athens

Evaluating the Evidence 3.3: Sophocles,Antigone

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 3.3: Sophocles, Antigone

Households and Work

Individuals in Society: Aristophanes

Gender and Sexuality

Thinking Like a Historian: Gender Roles in Classical Athens

Public and Personal Religion

The Flowering of Philosophy

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

3. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 3

Quiz for Document 3-1: Homer,The Odyssey: Odysseus and the Sirens(ca. 800 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3-2: Hesiod,Works and Days(ca. 800 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3-3: Sophocles,Antigone(441 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3-4: Thucydides,The History of the Peloponnesian War: Pericles’s Funeral Oration(ca. 400 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3-5: Plato,The Republic: The Allegory of the Cave(ca. 360 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3-6: Aristotle,Politics: Democracy(ca. 340 B.C.E.)

4. Life in the Hellenistic World, 336–30 B.C.E.

Introduction for Chapter 4

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 4

Alexander’s Conquests and Their Political Legacy

Military Campaigns

Evaluating the Evidence 4.1: Arrian on Alexander the Great

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 4.1: Arrian on Alexander the Great

The Political Legacy

Building a Hellenized Society

Urban Life

Mapping the Past for Chapter 4

Greeks in Hellenistic Cities

Greeks and Non-Greeks

The Economy of the Hellenistic World

Agriculture and Industry

Living in the Past: Farming in the Hellenistic World


The Past Living Now: Container Shipping

Religion and Philosophy in the Hellenistic World

Religion and Magic

Evaluating the Evidence 4.2: A Hellenistic Spell of Attraction

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 4.2: A Hellenistic Spell of Attraction

Hellenism and the Jews

Philosophy and the People

Hellenistic Science and Medicine


Individuals in Society: Archimedes, Scientist and Inventor


Thinking Like a Historian: Hellenistic Medicine

Evaluating the Evidence 4.3: The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 4.3: The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

4. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 4

Quiz for Document 4-1: Ephippus of Olynthus,On the Burial of Alexander and Hephaestion: Ephippus of Olynthus Remembers Alexander the Great(ca. 323 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4-2: Plutarch,Life of Cleomenes III(75 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4-3: Diogenes Laertius,The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers: Diogenes of Sinope, the Cynic(ca. 300–200 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4-4: Epicurus,The Principal Doctrines of Epicureanism(ca. 306 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4-5: Epictetus,Encheiridion, or The Manual(ca. 100 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4-6: Polybius,A Greek Historian Describes Byzantium’s Contribution to Regional Trade(ca. 170–118 B.C.E.)

5. The Rise of Rome, ca. 1000–27 B.C.E.

Introduction for Chapter 5

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 5

Rome’s Rise to Power

The Geography of Italy

The Etruscans

The Founding of Rome

The Roman Conquest of Italy

Evaluating the Evidence 5.1: The Temple of Hercules Victor

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 5.1: The Temple of Hercules Victor

The Roman Republic

The Roman State

Social Conflict in Rome

Roman Expansion

The Punic Wars

Mapping the Past for Chapter 5

Rome Turns East

Roman Society

Roman Families

Evaluating the Evidence 5.2: A Woman’s Actions in the Turia Inscription

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 5.2: A Woman’s Actions in the Turia Inscription

Greek Influence on Roman Culture

Living in the Past: Roman Table Manners

Opposing Views: Cato the Elder and Scipio Aemilianus

The Late Republic

Reforms for Poor and Landless Citizens

Thinking Like a Historian: Land Ownership and Social Conflict in the Late Republic

Political Violence

Civil War

Evaluating the Evidence 5.3: Cicero and the Plot to Kill Caesar

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 5.3: Cicero and the Plot to Kill Caesar

Individuals in Society: Queen Cleopatra

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

5. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 5

Quiz for Document 5-1: Livy,The Rape of Lucretia(ca. 27–25 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5-2: A Roman Wedding(ca. 160 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5-3: The Law of the Twelve Tables(449 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5-4: Seneca,The Sounds of a Roman Bath(ca. 50 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5-5: Appian of Alexandria,The Civil Wars(ca. 100 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5-6: Plutarch,On Julius Caesar, a Man of Unlimited Ambition(ca. 44 B.C.E.)

6. The Roman Empire, 27 B.C.E.–284 C.E.

Introduction for Chapter 6

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 6

Augustus’s Reign

The Principate

Thinking Like a Historian: Army and Empire

Roman Expansion

Evaluating the Evidence 6.1: Augustus,Res Gestae

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 6.1: Augustus, Res Gestae

The Flowering of Latin Literature

Evaluating the Evidence 6.2: Ovid,The Art of Love

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 6.2: Ovid, The Art of Love

Marriage and Morality

Evaluating the Evidence 6.3: Ara Pacis

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 6.3: Ara Pacis

Augustus’s Successors

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians

The Age of the “Five Good Emperors”

Individuals in Society: Pliny the Elder

Rome and the Provinces

Life in Imperial Rome

Approaches to Urban Problems

Popular Entertainment

Living in the Past: Roman Epitaphs: Death Remembers Life

Prosperity in the Roman Provinces

Mapping the Past for Chapter 6

Trade and Commerce

The Coming of Christianity

Factors Behind the Rise of Christianity

The Life and Teachings of Jesus

The Spread of Christianity

The Growing Acceptance and Evolution of Christianity

The Empire in Disarray

Civil Wars and Military Commanders

Turmoil in Economic Life

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

6. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 6

Quiz for Document 6-1: Tacitus,Germania(ca. 100C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6-2: Apuleius,The Golden Ass: The Veneration of Isis(ca. 170 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6-3: The Gospel According to Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount(28 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6-4: Paul of Tarsus,Epistle to the Galatians(ca. 50–60C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6-5: The Alexamenos Graffito(ca. 100 C.E.)

7. Late Antiquity, 250–600

Introduction for Chapter 7

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 7

Reconstruction Under Diocletian and Constantine

Political Measures

Economic Issues

The Acceptance of Christianity

The Growth of the Christian Church

The Church and Its Leaders

The Development of Christian Monasticism

Monastery Life

Christianity and Classical Culture

Christian Notions of Gender and Sexuality

Saint Augustine on Human Nature, Will, and Sin

Barbarian Society

Village and Family Life

Evaluating the Evidence 7.1: Tacitus on Germanic Society

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 7.1: Tacitus on Germanic Society

Tribes and Hierarchies

Customary and Written Law

Thinking Like a Historian: Slavery in Roman and Germanic Society

Celtic and Germanic Religion

Migration, Assimilation, and Conflict

Celtic and Germanic People in Gaul and Britain

Mapping the Past for Chapter 7

Visigoths and Huns

Evaluating the Evidence 7.2: Battle Between Romans and Goths

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 7.2: Battle Between Romans and Goths

Germanic Kingdoms and the End of the Roman Empire

Living in the Past: The Horses of Spain

Christian Missionaries and Conversion

Missionaries’ Actions

The Process of Conversion

Evaluating the Evidence 7.3: Gregory of Tours on the Veneration of Relics

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 7.3: Gregory of Tours on the Veneration of Relics

The Byzantine Empire

Sources of Byzantine Strength

The Law Code of Justinian

Byzantine Intellectual Life

Individuals in Society:

The Orthodox Church

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

7. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 7

Quiz for Document 7-1: Saint Ambrose of Milan,Emperor Theodosius Brought to Heel(390)

Quiz for Document 7-2: Saint Benedict of Nursia,The Rule of Saint Benedict(529)

Quiz for Document 7-3: Saint Augustine,City of God: The Two Cities(413–426)

Quiz for Document 7-4: The Law of the Salian Franks(ca. 500–600)

Quiz for Document 7-5: Emperor Justinian,The Institutes of Justinian(529–533)

Quiz for Document 7-6: Procopius of Caesarea,The Secret History(ca. 550)

8. Europe in the Early Middle Ages, 600–1000

Introduction for Chapter 8

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 8

The Spread of Islam

The Arabs

The Prophet Muhammad

The Teachings and Expansion of Islam

Sunni and Shi’a Divisions

Life in Muslim Spain

Evaluating the Evidence 8.1: The Muslim Conquest of Spain

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 8.1: The Muslim Conquest of Spain

Living in the Past: Muslim Technology: Advances in Papermaking

Muslim-Christian Relations

Cross-Cultural Influences in Science and Medicine

Frankish Rulers and Their Territories

The Merovingians

The Rise of the Carolingians

The Warrior-Ruler Charlemagne

Carolingian Government and Society

Evaluating the Evidence 8.2: The Capitulary de Villis

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 8.2: The Capitulary de Villis

The Imperial Coronation of Charlemagne

Early Medieval Culture

The Carolingian Renaissance

Northumbrian Learning and Writing

Individuals in Society:

Evaluating the Evidence 8.3: The Death of Beowulf

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 8.3: The Death of Beowulf

Invasions and Migrations

Mapping the Past for Chapter 8

Vikings in Western Europe

Thinking Like a Historian: Vikings Tell Their Own Story

Slavs and Vikings in Eastern Europe

Magyars and Muslims

Political and Economic Decentralization

Decentralization and the Origins of “Feudalism”

Manorialism, Serfdom, and the Slave Trade

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

8. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 8

Quiz for Document 8-1: Ibn Abd-el-Hakem,The Conquest of Spain(ca. 870)

Quiz for Document 8-2: Willibald,Saint Boniface Destroys the Oak of Thor(ca. 750)

Quiz for Document 8-3: Charlemagne,Capitulary for Saxony(ca. 775–790)

Quiz for Document 8-4: Charlemagne,General Capitulary for the Missi(802)

Quiz for Document 8-5: The Song of Roland(ca. 1100–1300)

9. State and Church in the High Middle Ages, 1000–1300

Introduction for Chapter 9

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 9

Political Revival and the Origins of the Modern State


Evaluating the Evidence 9.1: Marriage and Wardship in the Norman Exchequer

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 9.1: Marriage and Wardship in the Norman Exchequer


Central Europe


The Iberian Peninsula

Law and Justice

Local Laws and Royal Courts

The Magna Carta

Law in Everyday Life


Origins and Status of the Nobility

Training, Marriage, and Inheritance

Power and Responsibility

Living in the Past: Life in an English Castle

The Papacy

The Gregorian Reforms

Emperor Versus Pope

Criticism and Heresy

The Popes and Church Law

Evaluating the Evidence 9.2: Pope Boniface VIII,Unam Sanctam

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 9.2: Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam

Monks, Nuns, and Friars

Monastic Revival

Life in Convents and Monasteries

Individuals in Society: Hildegard of Bingen

The Friars

Evaluating the Evidence 9.3: Brother Henry as Composer and Singer

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 9.3: Brother Henry as Composer and Singer

The Crusades and the Expansion of Christianity

Background and Motives of the Crusades

Mapping the Past for Chapter 9

The Course of the Crusades

Thinking Like a Historian: Christian and Muslim Views of the Crusades

Consequences of the Crusades

The Expansion of Christianity


Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

9. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 9

Quiz for Document 9-1: Duke William of Aquitaine,On the Foundation of Cluny(909)

Quiz for Document 9-2: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: William the Conqueror and the Domesday Book(1086)

Quiz for Document 9-3: King John of England,From Magna Carta: The Great Charter of Liberties(1215)

Quiz for Document 9-4: Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV,Mutual Recriminations: The Investiture Controversy Begins(1076)

Quiz for Document 9-5: Robert the Monk of Rheims,Urban II at the Council of Clermont: A Call for Crusade(ca. 1120)

Quiz for Document 9-6: Guibert of Nogent/Anna Comnena,Peter the Hermit and the “People’s Crusade”(ca. 1108–1148)

Quiz for Document 9-7: Anonymous of Mainz,The Slaughter of the Jews(ca. 1096)

10. Life in Villages and Cities of the High Middle Ages, 1000–1300

Introduction for Chapter 10

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 10

Village Life

Slavery, Serfdom, and Upward Mobility

Thinking Like a Historian: Social and Economic Relations in Medieval English Villages

The Manor


Home Life

Childbirth and Child Abandonment

Living in the Past: Child’s Play

Popular Religion

Christian Life in Medieval Villages

Saints and Sacraments

Muslims and Jews

Rituals of Marriage and Birth

Death and the Afterlife

Evaluating the Evidence 10.1: The Pilgrim’s Guide to Santiago de Compostela

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 10.1: The Pilgrim’s Guide to Santiago de Compostela

Towns and Economic Revival

The Rise of Towns

Mapping the Past for Chapter 10

Merchant and Craft Guilds

The Revival of Long-Distance Trade

Business Procedures

The Commercial Revolution

Individuals in Society: Francesco Datini

Urban Life

City Life

Servants and the Poor

Popular Entertainment

Medieval Universities


Legal and Medical Training

Evaluating the Evidence 10.2: Healthy Living

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 10.2: Healthy Living

Theology and Philosophy

University Students

The Past Living Now: University Life

Literature and Architecture

Vernacular Literature and Drama

Evaluating the Evidence 10.3: Courtly Love Poetry

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 10.3: Courtly Love Poetry

Churches and Cathedrals

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

10. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 10

Quiz for Document 10-1: Manorial Records of Bernehorne(1307)

Quiz for Document 10-2: On Laborers: A Dialogue Between Teacher and Student(ca. 1000)

Quiz for Document 10-3: The Charter of the Laon Commune(ca. 1100–1120)

Quiz for Document 10-4: The Ordinances of London’s Leatherworkers(1346)

Quiz for Document 10-5: The Commune of Florence,A Sumptuary Law: Restrictions on Dress(1373)

Quiz for Document 10-6: Saint Thomas Aquinas,Summa Theologica: Proof of the Existence of God(1268)

Quiz for Document 10-7: Jacques De Vitry,The Virgin Mary Saves a Monk and His Lover(ca. 1200)

11. The Later Middle Ages, 1300–1450

Introduction for Chapter 11

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 11

Prelude to Disaster

Climate Change and Famine

Social Consequences

The Black Death


Spread of the Disease

Mapping the Past for Chapter 11

Care of the Sick

Living in the Past: Treating the Plague

Economic, Religious, and Cultural Effects

Evaluating the Evidence 11.1: Dance of Death

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 11.1: Dance of Death

The Hundred Years’ War


English Successes

Joan of Arc and France’s Victory

Evaluating the Evidence 11.2: The Trial of Joan of Arc

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 11.2: The Trial of Joan of Arc


Challenges to the Church

The Babylonian Captivity and Great Schism

Critiques, Divisions, and Councils

Lay Piety and Mysticism

Individuals in Society: Meister Eckhart

Social Unrest in a Changing Society

Peasant Revolts

Thinking Like a Historian: Popular Revolts in the Late Middle Ages

Urban Conflicts

Evaluating the Evidence 11.3: Christine de Pizan, Advice to the Wives of Artisans

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 11.3: Christine de Pizan, Advice to the Wives of Artisans

Sex in the City

Fur-Collar Crime

Ethnic Tensions and Restrictions

Literacy and Vernacular Literature

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

11. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 11

Quiz for Document 11-1: Giovanni Boccaccio,The Decameron: The Plague Hits Florence(ca. 1350)

Quiz for Document 11-2: Angelo di Tura,Sienese Chronicle(1348–1351)

Quiz for Document 11-3: The Anonimalle Chronicle: The English Peasants’ Revolt(1381)

Quiz for Document 11-4: Petrarca-Meister,The Social Order(ca. 1515)

Quiz for Document 11-5: Catherine of Siena,Letter to Gregory XI(1372)

Quiz for Document 11-6: The Debate Over Joan of Arc’s Clothes(1429)

12. European Society in the Age of the Renaissance , 1350–1550

Introduction for Chapter 12

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 12

Wealth and Power in Renaissance Italy

Trade and Prosperity

Communes and Republics of Northern Italy

City-States and the Balance of Power

Evaluating the Evidence 12.1: A Sermon of Savonarola

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 12.1: A Sermon of Savonarola

Intellectual Change



Thinking Like a Historian: Humanist Learning

Political Thought

Christian Humanism

Evaluating the Evidence 12.2: Thomas More,Utopia

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 12.2: Thomas More, Utopia

The Printed Word

Mapping the Past for Chapter 12

Art and the Artist

Patronage and Power

Changing Artistic Styles

The Renaissance Artist

Individuals in Society: Leonardo da Vinci

Social Hierarchies

Race and Slavery

Wealth and the Nobility

Gender Roles

Living in the Past: Male Clothing and Masculinity

Politics and the State in Western Europe




Evaluating the Evidence 12.3: A Gold Coin of Ferdinand and Isabella

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 12.3: A Gold Coin of Ferdinand and Isabella

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

12. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 12

Quiz for Document 12-1: Petrarch,Letter to Livy(1350)

Quiz for Document 12-2: Niccolò Machiavelli,The Prince(1513)

Quiz for Document 12-3: Baldassare Castiglione,The Book of the Courtier(1528)

Quiz for Document 12-4: Desiderius Erasmus,The Education of a Christian Prince(1516)

Quiz for Document 12-5: Christine de Pizan,The Book of the City of Ladies: Against Those Men Who Claim It Is Not Good for Women to Be Educated(1404)

Quiz for Document 12-6: Artemisia Gentileschi,Susannah and the Elders(1610)

Quiz for Document 12-7: Artemisia Gentileschi,Judith and Holofernes(1610)

13. Reformations and Religious Wars, 1500–1600

Introduction for Chapter 13

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 13

The Early Reformation

The Christian Church in the Early Sixteenth Century

Martin Luther

Protestant Thought

Evaluating the Evidence 13.1: Martin Luther,On Christian Liberty

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 13.1: Martin Luther, On Christian Liberty

The Appeal of Protestant Ideas

Living in the Past: Uses of Art in the Reformation

The Radical Reformation and the German Peasants’ War

Individuals in Society: Anna Jansz of Rotterdam

Marriage, Sexuality, and the Role of Women

Evaluating the Evidence 13.2: Domestic Scene

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 13.2: Domestic Scene

The Reformation and German Politics

The Rise of the Habsburg Dynasty

Religious Wars in Switzerland and Germany

The Spread of Protestant Ideas


Henry VIII and the Reformation in England

Upholding Protestantism in England

Evaluating the Evidence 13.3: Elizabethan Injunctions About Religion

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 13.3: Elizabethan Injunctions About Religion


Thinking Like a Historian: Social Discipline in the Reformation

The Reformation in Eastern Europe

The Catholic Reformation

Mapping the Past for Chapter 13

Papal Reform and the Council of Trent

New and Reformed Religious Orders

Religious Violence

French Religious Wars

The Netherlands Under Charles V

The Great European Witch-Hunt

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

13. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 13

Quiz for Document 13-1: Martin Luther,Ninety-five Theses on the Power of Indulgences(1517)

Quiz for Document 13-2: Hans Holbein the Younger,Luther as the German Hercules(ca. 1519)

Quiz for Document 13-3: Jean Bodin,On the Demon-Mania of Witches(1580)

Quiz for Document 13-4: Elizabeth Fox Confesses to Witchcraft(1566)

Quiz for Document 13-5: John Calvin,The Institutes of Christian Religion(1559)

Quiz for Document 13-6: Ignatius of Loyola,Rules for Right Thinking(1548)

14. European Exploration and Conquest, 1450–1650

Introduction for Chapter 14

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 14

World Contacts Before Columbus

The Trade World of the Indian Ocean

The Trading States of Africa

The Ottoman and Persian Empires

Genoese and Venetian Middlemen

The European Voyages of Discovery

Causes of European Expansion

Technology and the Rise of Exploration

The Portuguese Overseas Empire

Mapping the Past for Chapter 14

Spain’s Voyages to the Americas

Evaluating the Evidence 14.1: Columbus Describes His First Voyage

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 14.1: Columbus Describes His First Voyage

Spain “Discovers” the Pacific

Early Exploration by Northern European Powers

Conquest and Settlement

Spanish Conquest of the Aztec and Inca Empires

Thinking Like a Historian: Who Was Doña Marina?

Portuguese Brazil

Colonial Empires of England and France

Colonial Administration

The Era of Global Contact

Indigenous Population Loss and Economic Exploitation

Evaluating the Evidence 14.2: Interpreting the Spread of Disease Among Natives

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 14.2: Interpreting the Spread of Disease Among Natives

Life in the Colonies

The Columbian Exchange

Living in the Past: Foods of the Columbian Exchange

Sugar and Slavery

Individuals in Society: Juan de Pareja

Spanish Silver and Its Economic Effects

The Birth of the Global Economy

Changing Attitudes and Beliefs

Religious Conversion

Evaluating the Evidence 14.3: Tenochtitlan Leaders Respond to Spanish Missionaries

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 14.3: Tenochtitlan Leaders Respond to Spanish Missionaries

European Debates About Indigenous Peoples

New Ideas About Race

Michel de Montaigne and Cultural Curiosity

William Shakespeare and His Influence

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

14. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 14

Quiz for Document 14-1: Christopher Columbus,Diario(1492)

Quiz for Document 14-2: Hernando Cortés,Two Letters to Charles V: On the Conquest of the Aztecs(1521)

Quiz for Document 14-3: Alvise da Ca’ da Mosto,Description of Capo Bianco and the Islands Nearest to It: Fifteenth-Century Slave Trade in West Africa(1455–1456)

Quiz for Document 14-4: King Nzinga Mbemba Affonso of Congo,Letters on the Slave Trade(1526)

Quiz for Document 14-5: Saint Francis Xavier,Missionaries in Japan(1552)

Quiz for Document 14-6: Michel de Montaigne,Of Cannibals(1580)

15. Absolutism and Constitutionalism, ca. 1589–1725

Introduction for Chapter 15

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 15

Seventeenth-Century Crisis and Rebuilding

The Social Order and Peasant Life

Famine and Economic Crisis

The Thirty Years’ War

Achievements in State-Building

Warfare and the Growth of Army Size

Popular Political Action

Absolutism in France and Spain

The Foundations of French Absolutism

Louis XIV and Absolutism

Thinking Like a Historian: What Was Absolutism?

Life at Versailles

Living in the Past: The Absolutist Palace

Evaluating the Evidence 15.1: Letter from Versailles

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 15.1: Letter from Versailles

The French Economic Policy of Mercantilism

Louis XIV’s Wars

Mapping the Past for Chapter 15

The Decline of Absolutist Spain in the Seventeenth Century

Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

The Return of Serfdom in the East

The Austrian Habsburgs

Prussia in the Seventeenth Century

The Consolidation of Prussian Absolutism

The Development of Russia and the Ottoman Empire

Mongol Rule in Russia and the Rise of Moscow

Building the Russian Empire

The Reforms of Peter the Great

Evaluating the Evidence 15.2: Peter the Great and Foreign Experts

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 15.2: Peter the Great and Foreign Experts

The Ottoman Empire

Individuals in Society: Hürrem

Constitutional Rule in England and the Dutch Republic

Religious Divides and Civil War

The Puritan Protectorate

The Restoration of the English Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy

Evaluating the Evidence 15.3: John Locke,Two Treatises of Government

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 15.3: John Locke, Two Treatises of Government

The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century

Baroque Art and Music

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

15. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 15

Quiz for Document 15-1: Henry IV,Edict of Nantes(1598)

Quiz for Document 15-2: Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet,Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture(1679)

Quiz for Document 15-3: The Bill of Rights(1689)

Quiz for Document 15-4: Peter the Great,Edicts and Decrees(1699–1723)

Quiz for Document 15-5: Thomas Hobbes,Leviathan(1651)

Quiz for Document 15-6: John Locke,Second Treatise of Civil Government: Vindication for the Glorious Revolution(1690)

16. Toward a New Worldview, 1540–1789

Introduction for Chapter 16

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 16

The Scientific Revolution

Why Europe?

Scientific Thought to 1500

The Copernican Hypothesis

Brahe, Kepler, and Galileo: Proving Copernicus Right

Evaluating the Evidence 16.1: Galileo Galilei,The Sidereal Messenger

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 16.1: Galileo Galilei, The Sidereal Messenger

Newton’s Synthesis

Natural History and Empire

Evaluating the Evidence 16.2: “An Account of a Particular Species of Cocoon”

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 16.2: “An Account of a Particular Species of Cocoon”

Magic and Alchemy

Important Changes in Scientific Thinking and Practice

The Methods of Science: Bacon and Descartes

Medicine, the Body, and Chemistry

Science and Religion

Science and Society

The Rise and Spread of Enlightenment Thought

The Early Enlightenment

The Influence of the Philosophes

Thinking Like a Historian: The Enlightenment Debate on Religious Tolerance

Enlightenment Movements Across Europe

The Social Life of the Enlightenment

Global Contacts

Enlightenment Debates About Race

Evaluating the Evidence 16.3: Denis Diderot, “Supplement to Bougainville’s Voyage”

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 16.3: Denis Diderot, “Supplement to Bougainville’s Voyage”

Women and the Enlightenment

Urban Culture and Life in the Public Sphere

Living in the Past: Coffeehouse Culture

Enlightened Absolutism

Frederick the Great of Prussia

Catherine the Great of Russia

Mapping the Past for Chapter 16

The Austrian Habsburgs

Jewish Life and the Limits of Enlightened Absolutism

Individuals in Society: Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlightenment

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

16. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 16

Quiz for Document 16-1: Nicolaus Copernicus,On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres(1542)

Quiz for Document 16-2: Francis Bacon,On Superstition and the Virtue of Science(1620)

Quiz for Document 16-3: Frederick the Great,Essay on the Forms of Government(ca. 1740)

Quiz for Document 16-4: Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, FromThe Spirit of Laws: On the Separation of Governmental Powers(1748)

Quiz for Document 16-5: Jean-Jacques Rousseau,The Social Contract: On Popular Sovereignty and the General Will(1762)

Quiz for Document 16-6: Voltaire,A Treatise on Toleration(1763)

17. The Expansion of Europe, 1650–1800

Introduction for Chapter 17

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 17

Working the Land

The Legacy of the Open-Field System

New Methods of Agriculture

The Leadership of the Low Countries and England

Evaluating the Evidence 17.1: Arthur Young on the Benefits of Enclosure

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 17.1: Arthur Young on the Benefits of Enclosure

The Beginning of the Population Explosion

Long-Standing Obstacles to Population Growth

The New Pattern of the Eighteenth Century

The Growth of Rural Industry

The Putting-Out System

Mapping the Past for Chapter 17

The Lives of Rural Textile Workers

Thinking Like a Historian: Rural Industry: Progress or Exploitation?

The Industrious Revolution

The Debate over Urban Guilds

Urban Guilds

Adam Smith and Economic Liberalism

Evaluating the Evidence 17.2: Adam Smith on the Division of Labor

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 17.2: Adam Smith on the Division of Labor

The Atlantic World and Global Trade

Mercantilism and Colonial Competition

The Atlantic Economy

Living in the Past: The Remaking of London

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Evaluating the Evidence 17.3: Olaudah Equiano’s Economic Arguments for Ending Slavery

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 17.3: Olaudah Equiano’s Economic Arguments for Ending Slavery

Identities and Communities of the Atlantic World

Individuals in Society: Rebecca Protten

The Atlantic Enlightenment

Trade and Empire in Asia and the Pacific

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

17. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 17

Quiz for Document 17-1: The Guild System in Germany(1704–1719)

Quiz for Document 17-2: Thomas Mun,England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade(1664)

Quiz for Document 17-3: Adam Smith,The Wealth of Nations(1776)

Quiz for Document 17-4: Olaudah Equiano,A Description of the Middle Passage(1789)

Quiz for Document 17-5: Robert, First Baron Clive,Speech in the House of Commons on India(1772)

18. Life the Era of Expansion

Introduction for Chapter 18

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 18

Marriage and the Family

Late Marriage and Nuclear Families

Work Away from Home

Premarital Sex and Community Controls

New Patterns of Marriage and Illegitimacy

Sex on the Margins of Society

Children and Education

Child Care and Nursing

Foundlings and Infanticide

Attitudes Toward Children

Evaluating the Evidence 18.1: Parisian Boyhood

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 18.1: Parisian Boyhood

The Spread of Elementary Schools

Popular Culture and Consumerism

Popular Literature

Mapping the Past for Chapter 18

Leisure and Recreation

The Past Living Now: The Commercialization of Sports

New Foods and Appetites

Evaluating the Evidence 18.2: A Day in the Life of Paris

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 18.2: A Day in the Life of Paris

Toward a Consumer Society

Individuals in Society: Rose Bertin, “Minister of Fashion”

Thinking Like a Historian: A New Subjectivity

Religious Authority and Beliefs

Church Hierarchy

Protestant Revival

Evaluating the Evidence 18.3: Advice to Methodists

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 18.3: Advice to Methodists

Catholic Piety

Marginal Beliefs and Practices

Medical Practice

Faith Healing and General Practice

Improvements in Surgery


Living in the Past: Improvements in Childbirth

The Conquest of Smallpox

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

18. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 18

Quiz for Document 18-1: Edmond Williamson,Births and Deaths in an English Gentry Family(1709–1720)

Quiz for Document 18-2: Mary Wortley Montagu,On Smallpox Inoculations(ca. 1717)

Quiz for Document 18-3: John Locke,Some Thoughts Concerning Education(1693)

Quiz for Document 18-4: John Wesley,The Ground Rules for Methodism (1749)

Quiz for Document 18-5: Thomas Paine,The Age of Reason(1794)

19. Revolutions in Politics, 1775–1815

Introduction for Chapter 19

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 19

Background to Revolution

Social Change

Growing Demands for Liberty and Equality

The Seven Years’ War

The American Revolutionary Era, 1775–1789

The Origins of the Revolution

Independence from Britain

Framing the Constitution

Limitations of Liberty and Equality

Evaluating the Evidence 19.1: Abigail Adams, “Remember the Ladies”

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 19.1: Abigail Adams, “Remember the Ladies”

Revolution in France, 1789–1791

Breakdown of the Old Order

The Formation of the National Assembly

Evaluating the Evidence 19.2: Abbé Sieyès,What Is the Third Estate?

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 19.2: Abbé Sieyès, What Is the Third Estate?

Popular Uprising and the Rights of Man

A Constitutional Monarchy and Its Challenges

Thinking Like a Historian: The Rights of Which Men?

World War and Republican France, 1791–1799

The International Response

The Second Revolution and the New Republic

Evaluating the Evidence 19.3: Contrasting Visions of the Sans-Culottes

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 19.3: Contrasting Visions of the Sans-Culottes

Total War and the Terror

Living in the Past: A Revolution of Culture and Daily Life

The Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory

The Napoleonic Era, 1799–1815

Napoleon’s Rule of France

Napoleon’s Expansion in Europe

The Grand Empire and Its End

Mapping the Past for Chapter 19

The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804

Revolutionary Aspirations in Saint-Domingue

The Outbreak of Revolt

Individuals in Society: Toussaint L’Ouverture

The War of Haitian Independence

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

19. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 19

Quiz for Document 19-1: Commissioners of the Third Estate of the Carcassonne,Notebooks of Grievances(1789)

Quiz for Document 19-2: Abbé Sieyès,What Is the Third Estate?(1789)

Quiz for Document 19-3: National Assembly of France,Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen(1789)

Quiz for Document 19-4: The Law of 22 Prairial(1794)

Quiz for Document 19-5: Napoleon Bonaparte,The Napoleonic Code(1804)

Quiz for Document 19-6: Mary Wollstonecraft,A Vindication of the Rights of Woman(1792)

Quiz for Document 19-7: François Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture,A Black Revolutionary Leader in Haiti(1797)

20. The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 1780–1850

Introduction for Chapter 20

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 20

The Industrial Revolution in Britain

Why Britain?

Technological Innovations and Early Factories

Individuals in Society: Samuel Crompton

The Steam Engine Breakthrough

Steam-Powered Transportation

Living in the Past: The Steam Age

Industry and Population

Industrialization in Europe and the World

National and International Variations

Industrialization in Continental Europe

Mapping the Past for Chapter 20

Agents of Industrialization

The Global Picture

New Patterns of Working and Living

Work in Early Factories

Working Families and Children

Evaluating the Evidence 20.1: Debate over Child Labor Laws

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 20.1: Debate over Child Labor Laws

The New Sexual Division of Labor

Evaluating the Evidence 20.2: The Testimony of Young Mine Workers

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 20.2: The Testimony of Young Mine Workers

Living Standards for the Working Class

Relations Between Capital and Labor

Thinking Like a Historian: Making the Industrialized Worker

The New Class of Factory Owners

Evaluating the Evidence 20.3: Advice for Middle-Class Women

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 20.3: Advice for Middle-Class Women

Responses to Industrialization

The Early British Labor Movement

The Impact of Slavery

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

20. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 20

Quiz for Document 20-1: Thomas Malthus,An Essay on the Principle of Population(1798)

Quiz for Document 20-2: Friedrich Engels,The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844(1844)

Quiz for Document 20-3: Factory Rules in Berlin(1844)

Quiz for Document 20-4: Ned Ludd,Yorkshire Textile Workers Threaten a Factory Owner(ca. 1811–1812)

Quiz for Document 20-5: Robert Owen,A New View of Society(1813)

Quiz for Document 20-6: The Child of the Factory(1842)

21. Ideologies and Upheavals, 1815–1850

Introduction for Chapter 21

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 21

The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars

Mapping the Past for Chapter 21

The European Balance of Power

Metternich and Conservatism

Repressing the Revolutionary Spirit

Evaluating the Evidence 21.1: The Karlsbad Decrees: Conservative Reaction in the German Confederation

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 21.1: The Karlsbad Decrees: Conservative Reaction in the German Confederation

Limits to Conservative Power and Revolution in South America

The Spread of Radical Ideas

Liberalism and the Middle Class

Thinking Like a Historian: The Republican Spirit in 1848

The Growing Appeal of Nationalism

The Foundations of Modern Socialism

The Birth of Marxist Socialism

The Romantic Movement

The Tenets of Romanticism

Romantic Literature

Evaluating the Evidence 21.2: English Romantic Poets

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 21.2: English Romantic Poets

Individuals in Society: Germaine de Staël

Evaluating the Evidence 21.3: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm,Children’s Stories and Household Tales

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 21.3: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Children’s Stories and Household Tales

Romanticism in Art and Music

Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848

National Liberation in Greece

Liberal Reform in Great Britain

Ireland and the Great Famine

The Revolution of 1830 in France

The Revolutions of 1848

A Democratic Republic in France

Living in the Past: Revolutionary Experiences in 1848

Revolution and Reaction in the Austrian Empire

Prussia, the German Confederation, and the Frankfurt National Parliament

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

21. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 21

Quiz for Document 21-1: David Ricardo, On Wages(1817)

Quiz for Document 21-2: Klemens von Metternich,Political Confession of Faith(1820)

Quiz for Document 21-3: John Stuart Mill,On Liberty(1859)

Quiz for Document 21-4: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,The Communist Manifesto(1848)

Quiz for Document 21-5: Eugène Delacroix,Liberty Leading the People(1830)

Quiz for Document 21-6: The People’s Charter(1838)

Quiz for Document 21-7: William Steuart Trench,Realities of Irish Life(1847)

22. Life in the Emerging Urban Society, 1840–1914

Introduction for Chapter 22

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 22

Taming the City

Industry and the Growth of Cities

Mapping the Past for Chapter 22

Evaluating the Evidence 22.1: First Impressions of the World’s Biggest City

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 22.1: First Impressions of the World’s Biggest City

The Advent of the Public Health Movement

The Past Living Now: Modern Sewage Systems

The Bacterial Revolution

Improvements in Urban Planning

Public Transportation

Rich and Poor and Those in Between

The Distribution of Income

The People and Occupations of the Middle Classes

Middle-Class Culture and Values

Living in the Past: Nineteenth-Century Women’s Fashion

The People and Occupations of the Working Classes

Working-Class Leisure and Religion

Changing Family Lifestyles

Middle-Class Marriage and Courtship Rituals

Middle- and Working-Class Sexuality

Evaluating the Evidence 22.2: Stephan Zweig on Middle-Class Youth and Sexuality

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 22.2: Stephan Zweig on Middle-Class Youth and Sexuality


Separate Spheres and the Importance of Homemaking

Child Rearing

The Feminist Movement

Individuals in Society: Franziska Tiburtius

Science and Thought

The Triumph of Science in Industry

Thinking Like a Historian: The Promise of Electricity

Darwin and Natural Selection

The Modern University and the Social Sciences

Realism in Art and Literature

Evaluating the Evidence 22.3: Émile Zola and Realism in Literature

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 22.3: Émile Zola and Realism in Literature

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

22. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 22

Quiz for Document 22-1: Edwin Chadwick,Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of the Poor(1842)

Quiz for Document 22-2: Jack London,The People of the Abyss(1902)

Quiz for Document 22-3: Isabella Beeton,Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management(1861)

Quiz for Document 22-4: Dressing the Respectable Woman(ca. 1890)

Quiz for Document 22-5: Clara Zetkin,Women’s Work and the Trade Unions(1887)

Quiz for Document 22-6: Charles Darwin,The Descent of Man(1871)

Quiz for Document 22-7: Herbert Spencer,Social Statics: Survival of the Fittest Applied to Humankind(1851)

23. The Age of Nationalism, 1850–1914

Introduction for Chapter 23

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 23

Napoleon III in France

France’s Second Republic

Napoleon III’s Second Empire

Nation Building in Italy, Germany, and the United States

Italy to 1850

Evaluating the Evidence 23.1: The Struggle for the Italian Nation

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 23.1: The Struggle for the Italian Nation

Cavour and Garibaldi in Italy

Growing Austro-Prussian Rivalry

Bismarck and the Austro-Prussian War

Mapping the Past for Chapter 23

Taming the German Parliament

The Franco-Prussian War

Slavery and Nation Building in the United States

The Modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire

The “Great Reforms” in Russia

Living in the Past: Peasant Life in Post-Reform Russia

The Russian Revolution of 1905

Evaluating the Evidence 23.2: Eyewitness Accounts of Bloody Sunday

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 23.2: Eyewitness Accounts of Bloody Sunday

Reform and Readjustment in the Ottoman Empire

The Responsive National State, 1871–1914

The German Empire

Republican France

Great Britain and Ireland

The Austro-Hungarian Empire

The Nation and the People

Making National Citizens

Thinking Like a Historian: How to Build a Nation

Nationalism and Racism

Jewish Emancipation and Modern Anti-Semitism

Individuals in Society: Theodor Herzl

Marxism and the Socialist Movement

The Socialist International

Evaluating the Evidence 23.3: Adelheid Popp, the Making of a Socialist

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 23.3: Adelheid Popp, the Making of a Socialist

Labor Unions and Marxist Revisionism

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

23. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 23

Quiz for Document 23-1: The First Meeting Between Mazzini and Garibaldi(1833)

Quiz for Document 23-2: Giorgio Asproni,Reflections on the Death of Cavour(1860)

Quiz for Document 23-3: Otto von Bismarck,Speech Before the Reichstag: On the Law for Workers’ Compensation(1884)

Quiz for Document 23-4: John Leighton,Paris Under the Commune(1871)

Quiz for Document 23-5: Émile Zola,“J’Accuse” the French Army(1898)

24. The West and the World, 1815–1914

Introduction for Chapter 24

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 24

Industrialization and the World Economy

The Rise of Global Inequality

The World Market

The Opening of China

Japan and the United States

Western Penetration of Egypt

Global Migration Around 1900

The Pressure of Population

European Emigration

Living in the Past: The Immigrant Experience

Asian Emigration

Evaluating the Evidence 24.1: Nativism in the United States

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 24.1: Nativism in the United States

Western Imperialism, 1880–1914

The European Presence in Africa Before 1880

The Scramble for Africa After 1880

Mapping the Past for Chapter 24

Individuals in Society: Cecil Rhodes

Imperialism in Asia

Causes of the New Imperialism

A “Civilizing Mission”

Evaluating the Evidence 24.2: The White Man’s Burden

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 24.2: The White Man’s Burden

Thinking Like a Historian: Women and Empire


Critics of Imperialism

Evaluating the Evidence 24.3: The Brown Man’s Burden

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 24.3: The Brown Man’s Burden

Responding to Western Imperialism

The Pattern of Response

Empire in India

The Example of Japan

Toward Revolution in China

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

24. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 24

Quiz for Document 24-1: Commissioner Lin Zexu,Letter to Queen Victoria(1839)

Quiz for Document 24-2: Jules Ferry,Speech Before the French Chamber of Deputies(1884)

Quiz for Document 24-3: The Rhodes Colossus(1892)

Quiz for Document 24-4: Henry Morton Stanley,Autobiography(1909)

Quiz for Document 24-5: Mark Twain,King Leopold’s Soliloquy(1905)

Quiz for Document 24-6: J. A. Hobson,Imperialism(1902)

25. War and Revolution, 1914–1919

Introduction for Chapter 25

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 25

The Road to War

Growing International Conflict

The Mood of 1914

The Outbreak of War

Waging Total War

Stalemate and Slaughter on the Western Front

Living in the Past: Life and Death on the Western Front

Evaluating the Evidence 25.1: Poetry in the Trenches

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 25.1: Poetry in the Trenches

The Widening War

The Home Front

Mobilizing for Total War

The Social Impact

Individuals in Society: Vera Brittain

Growing Political Tensions

Evaluating the Evidence 25.2: Wartime Propaganda Posters

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 25.2: Wartime Propaganda Posters

The Russian Revolution

The Fall of Imperial Russia

The Provisional Government

Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution

Trotsky and the Seizure of Power

Evaluating the Evidence 25.3: Peace, Land, and Bread for the Russian People

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 25.3: Peace, Land, and Bread for the Russian People

Dictatorship and Civil War

The Peace Settlement

The End of the War

Revolution in Austria-Hungary and Germany

Mapping the Past for Chapter 25

The Treaty of Versailles

The Peace Settlement in the Middle East

Thinking Like a Historian: The Partition of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandate System

The Human Costs of the War

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

25. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 25

Quiz for Document 25-1: Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg,Telegram to the German Ambassador at Vienna(July 6, 1914)

Quiz for Document 25-2: Klaxon Horn Used to Warn of Gas Attacks(1917)

Quiz for Document 25-3: Baron Manfred von Richthofen(1917)

Quiz for Document 25-4: Helena Swanwick,The War in Its Effect Upon Women(1916)

Quiz for Document 25-5: Vladimir I. Lenin,What Is to Be Done?(1902)

Quiz for Document 25-6: Woodrow Wilson,The Fourteen Points(1918)

Quiz for Document 25-7: A Defeated Germany Contemplates the Peace Treaty(1919)

26. The Age of Anxiety, 1880–1940

Introduction for Chapter 26

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 26

Uncertainty in Modern Thought

Modern Philosophy

Evaluating the Evidence 26.1: Friedrich Nietzsche Pronounces the Death of God

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 26.1: Friedrich Nietzsche Pronounces the Death of God

The Revival of Christianity

The New Physics

Freudian Psychology

Modernism in Architecture, Art, Literature, and Music

Architecture and Design

Living in the Past: Modern Design for Everyday Use

New Artistic Movements

Evaluating the Evidence 26.2: The Futurist Manifesto

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 26.2: The Futurist Manifesto

Twentieth-Century Literature

Modern Music

An Emerging Consumer Society

Mass Culture

The Appeal of Cinema

Thinking Like a Historian: The Radio Age

The Arrival of Radio

The Search for Peace and Political Stability

Germany and the Western Powers

Individuals in Society: Gustav Stresemann

Hope in Foreign Affairs

Hope in Democratic Government

The Great Depression, 1929–1939

The Economic Crisis

Mapping the Past for Chapter 26

Mass Unemployment

Evaluating the Evidence 26.3: George Orwell on Life on the Dole

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 26.3: George Orwell on Life on the Dole

The New Deal in the United States

The Scandinavian Response to the Depression

Recovery and Reform in Britain and France

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

26. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 26

Quiz for Document 26-1: Sigmund Freud,The Interpretation of Dreams(1900)

Quiz for Document 26-2: Mary Cassatt,Reading Le Figaro(1878)

Quiz for Document 26-3: John Maynard Keynes,The Economic Consequences of the Peace(1920)

Quiz for Document 26-4: Hyperinflation in Germany(1923)

Quiz for Document 26-5: Sir Percy Malcolm Stewart,Parliament Addresses the Great Depression in Britain(1934)

Quiz for Document 26-6: Heinrich Hauser,With the Unemployed in Germany(1933)

Quiz for Document 26-7: German Communist Party Poster (1932)

27. Dictatorships and the Second World War, 1919–1945

Introduction for Chapter 27

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 27

Authoritarian States

Conservative Authoritarianism and Radical Totalitarian Dictatorships

Communism and Fascism

Individuals in Society: Primo Levi

Stalin’s Soviet Union

From Lenin to Stalin

The Five-Year Plans

Evaluating the Evidence 27.1: Stalin Justifies the Five-Year Plan

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 27.1: Stalin Justifies the Five-Year Plan

Evaluating the Evidence 27.2: Famine and Recovery on a Soviet Collective Farm

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 27.2: Famine and Recovery on a Soviet Collective Farm

Life and Culture in Soviet Society

Stalinist Terror and the Great Purges

Mussolini and Fascism in Italy

The Seizure of Power

The Regime in Action

Hitler and Nazism in Germany

The Roots of National Socialism

Hitler’s Road to Power

State and Society in Nazi Germany

Thinking Like a Historian: Normalizing Eugenics and “Racial Hygiene” in Nazi Germany

Popular Support for National Socialism

Living in the Past: Nazi Propaganda and Consumer Goods

Aggression and Appeasement

The Second World War

German Victories in Europe

Evaluating the Evidence 27.3: Everyday Life in the London Blitz

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 27.3: Everyday Life in the London Blitz

Mapping the Past for Chapter 27

Europe Under Nazi Occupation

The Holocaust

Japanese Empire and the War in the Pacific

The “Hinge of Fate”

Allied Victory

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

27. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 27

Quiz for Document 27-1: Richard Washburn Child,Foreword to the Autobiography of Benito Mussolini(1928)

Quiz for Document 27-2: Vladimir Tchernavin,I Speak for the Silent(1930)

Quiz for Document 27-3: Adolf Hitler,Mein Kampf: The Art of Propaganda(1924)

Quiz for Document 27-4: Soviet Propaganda Posters (1941 and 1945)

Quiz for Document 27-5: Winston Churchill,Speech Before the House of Commons(June 18, 1940)

Quiz for Document 27-6: The Nuremberg Laws: The Centerpiece of Nazi Racial Legislation (1935)

Quiz for Document 27-7: Alfred Rosenberg,The Jewish Question as a World Problem(1941)

28. Cold War Conflict and Consensus, 1945–1965

Introduction for Chapter 28

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 28

Postwar Europe and the Origins of the Cold War

The Legacies of the Second World War

Mapping the Past for Chapter 28

The Peace Settlement and Cold War Origins

West Versus East

Big Science in the Nuclear Age

The Western Renaissance/Recovery in Western Europe

The Search for Political and Social Consensus

Evaluating the Evidence 28.1: Western European Recovery and the Promise of Prosperity

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 28.1: Western European Recovery and the Promise of Prosperity

Toward European Unity

The Consumer Revolution

Developments in the Soviet Union and the East Bloc

Postwar Life in the East Bloc

Living in the Past: A Model Socialist Steel Town

Reform and De-Stalinization

Evaluating the Evidence 28.2: The Nixon-Khrushchev “Kitchen Debate”

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 28.2: The Nixon-Khrushchev “Kitchen Debate”

Foreign Policy and Domestic Rebellion

The Limits of Reform

The End of Empires

Decolonization and the Global Cold War

Evaluating the Evidence 28.3: Frantz Fanon on Violence, Decolonization, and Human Dignity

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 28.3: Frantz Fanon on Violence, Decolonization, and Human Dignity

The Struggle for Power in Asia

Independence and Conflict in the Middle East

Decolonization in Africa

Thinking Like a Historian: Violence and the Algerian War

Postwar Social Transformations

Changing Class Structures

Patterns of Postwar Migration

Individuals in Society: Armando Rodrigues

New Roles for Women

Youth Culture and the Generation Gap

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

28. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 28

Quiz for Document 28-1: George C. Marshall,An American Plan to Rebuild a Shattered Europe(June 5, 1947)

Quiz for Document 28-2: Alexander Solzhenitsyn,One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich(1962)

Quiz for Document 28-3: Joseph Stalin,Interview Regarding Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech(March 14, 1946)

Quiz for Document 28-4: Frantz Fanon,The Wretched of the Earth(1961)

Quiz for Document 28-5: Simone de Beauvoir,The Second Sex(1949)

29. Challenging the Postwar Order, 1960–1991

Introduction for Chapter 29

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 29

Reform and Protest in the 1960s

Cold War Tensions Thaw

Evaluating the Evidence 29.1: Human Rights Under the Helsinki Accords

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 29.1: Human Rights Under the Helsinki Accords

The Affluent Society

Living in the Past: The Supermarket Revolution

The Counterculture Movement

The United States and Vietnam

Student Revolts and 1968

The 1960s in the East Bloc

Crisis and Change in Western Europe

Economic Crisis and Hardship

The New Conservatism

Individuals in Society: Margaret Thatcher

Challenges and Victories for Women

Evaluating the Evidence 29.2: Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminist Critique of Marriage

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 29.2: Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminist Critique of Marriage

The Rise of the Environmental Movement

Thinking Like a Historian: The New Environmentalism

Separatism and Right-Wing Extremism

The Decline of “Developed Socialism”

State and Society in the East Bloc

Dissent in Czechoslovakia and Poland

Evaluating the Evidence 29.3: Dissent in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 29.3: Dissent in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

From Détente Back to Cold War

Gorbachev’s Reforms in the Soviet Union

The Revolutions of 1989

Mapping the Past for Chapter 29

The Collapse of Communism in the East Bloc

German Unification and the End of the Cold War

The Disintegration of the Soviet Union

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

29. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 29

Quiz for Document 29-1: Solidarity Union,Twenty-One Demands: A Call for Workers’ Rights and Freedoms(1980)

Quiz for Document 29-2: Mikhail Gorbachev,Perestroika: A Soviet Leader Calls for Change(1987)

Quiz for Document 29-3: Jeff Widener,Tank Man(1989)

Quiz for Document 29-4: Betty Friedan,Statement of Purpose of the National Organization of Women: Defining Full Equality(1966)

Quiz for Document 29-5: Vaclav Havel,New Year’s Address to the Nation(1990)

30. Life in an Age of Globalization, 1990 TO THE PRESENT

Introduction for Chapter 30

Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 30

Reshaping the Soviet Union and the Former East Bloc

Economic Shock Therapy in Russia

Russian Revival Under Vladimir Putin

Evaluating the Evidence 30.1: President Putin on Global Security

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 30.1: President Putin on Global Security

Coping with Change in the Former East Bloc

Tragedy in Yugoslavia

Instability in the Former Soviet Republics

The New Global System

The Global Economy

The New European Union

Mapping the Past for Chapter 30

Living in the Past: The Euro

Supranational Organizations

The Human Side of Globalization

Life in the Digital Age

Individuals in Society: Edward Snowden

Ethnic Diversity in Contemporary Europe

The Prospect of Population Decline

Changing Immigration Flows

Toward a Multicultural Continent

Europe and Its Muslim Population

Thinking Like a Historian: The Conservative Reaction to Immigration and Islamist Terrorism

Evaluating the Evidence 30.2: William Pfaff, Will the French Riots Change Anything?

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 30.2: William Pfaff, Will the French Riots Change Anything?

Confronting Long-Term Challenges

Growing Strains in U.S.-European Relations

Turmoil in the Muslim World

The Global Recession and the Viability of the Eurozone

Evaluating the Evidence 30.3: The Thessaloniki Programme

Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 30.3: The Thessaloniki Programme

Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Climate Change and Environmental Degradation

Promoting Human Rights

The Past Living Now: Remembering the Holocaust

Looking Back Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

Identify Key Terms

Review the Main Ideas

Suggested Reading and Media Resources

30. Documents from Sources for Western Society, Chapter 30

Quiz for Document 30-1: Amartya Sen,A World Not Neatly Divided(November 23, 2001)

Quiz for Document 30-2: Tariq Ramadan,Western Muslims and the Future of Islam(2004)

Quiz for Document 30-3: A Greenpeace Activist at the G8 Summit(2001)

Quiz for Document 30-4: A Tunisian Woman Casts Her Vote (2011)

About A History of Western Society, Twelfth Editio

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