Vice President, Editorial, Macmillan Learning Humanities: Edwin Hill
Publisher for History: Michael Rosenberg
Director of Development for History: Jane Knetzger
Acquiring Editor for History: Laura Arcari
Senior Developmental Editor: Leah R. Strauss
Senior Production Editor: Christina M. Horn
Senior Media Producer: Michelle Camisa
Senior Production Supervisor: Jennifer Wetzel
History Marketing Manager: Melissa Famiglietti
Media Editor: Jennifer Jovin
Associate Editor: Tess Fletcher
Editorial Assistant: Melanie McFadyen
Copy Editor: Jennifer Brett Greenstein
Indexer: Leoni Z. McVey
Cartography: Mapping Specialists, Ltd.
Photo Editor: Robin Fadool
Photo Researcher: Bruce Carson
Permissions Editor: Eve Lehmann
Senior Art Director: Anna Palchik
Text Design: Boynton Hue Studio
Cover Design: William Boardman
Cover Art: Peasant Girl, 1720 (oil on canvas)/Private Collection/Mondadori Portfolio/Electa/Ugo Allegri/Bridgeman Images
Composition: Jouve
Printing and Binding: RR Donnelley and Sons
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2008 by Bedford/St. Martin’s
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Acknowledgments and copyrights appear on the same page as the text and art selections they cover; these acknowledgments and copyrights constitute an extension of the copyright page.