A History of Western Society: Printed Page 402

A History of Western Society, Concise Edition: Printed Page 402

Evaluating the Evidence 13.2

Page 402

Domestic Scene

The Protestant notion that the best form of Christian life was marriage and a family helps explain the appeal of Protestantism to middle-class urban men and women, such as those shown in this domestic scene. The engraving, titled Concordia (Harmony), includes the biblical inscription of what Jesus called the greatest commandment — “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and your neighbor as yourself” (Deuteronomy 6; Matthew 22) — on tablets at the back. The large covered bed at the back was both a standard piece of furniture in urban homes and a symbol of proper marital sexual relations.

(Mary Evans Picture Library/The Images Works)


  1. What are the different family members doing? What elements of this image suggest that this is a pious, Christian family?
  2. How do the various family roles shown here support the Protestant ideal of marriage and family?