A History of Western Society: Printed Page 426

A History of Western Society, Value Edition: Printed Page 410

A History of Western Society, Concise Edition: Printed Page 427

Introduction for Chapter 14

Page 426


European Exploration and Conquest


In 1450 Europeans were relatively marginal players in a centuries-old trading system that linked Africa, Asia, and Europe. The Indian Ocean was the locus of a vibrant cosmopolitan Afroeurasian trade world in which Arab, Persian, Turkish, Indian, African, Chinese, and European merchants and adventurers competed for trade in spices, silks, and other goods. Elites everywhere prized Chinese porcelains and silks, while wealthy members of the Celestial Kingdom, as China called itself, wanted gold, ivory, and rhinoceros horn from Africa, and exotic goods and peacocks from India. African people wanted textiles from India and cowrie shells from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. Europeans craved Asian silks and spices, but they had few desirable goods to offer their trading partners.

By 1550 the European search for better access to Asian trade goods had led to a new overseas empire in the Indian Ocean and the accidental discovery of the Western Hemisphere. South and North America were soon drawn into a global network of trade centers and political empires, which Europeans came to dominate. The era of globalization had begun, creating new political systems and forms of economic exchange as well as cultural assimilation, conversion, and resistance. Europeans sought to impose their values on the peoples they encountered while struggling to comprehend these peoples’ societies. The Age of Discovery (1450–1650), as the time of these encounters is known, laid the foundations for the modern world.

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Life in the Age of Discovery The arrival of the Portuguese in Japan in 1453 inspired a series of artworks depicting the namban-jin, or southern barbarians, as they were known. This detail from an early-seventeenth-century painted screen shows Portuguese sailors unloading trade goods from a merchant ship.
(Detail from a Namban Byobu Japanese painted screen/Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto, Portugal/Bridgeman Images)


What was the Afroeurasian trading world prior to the era of European exploration?

How and why did Europeans undertake ambitious voyages of expansion?

How did European powers acquire colonies in the Americas, and how were they governed?

How was the era of global contact shaped by new forms of exploitation, commercial exchange, and forced migration?

How did new encounters shape cultural attitudes and beliefs in Europe and the rest of the world?


1271–1295 Marco Polo travels to China
1443 Portuguese establish first African trading post at Arguin
1492 Columbus lands in the Americas
1511 Portuguese capture Malacca from Muslims
1518 Spanish king authorizes slave trade to New World colonies
1519–1522 Magellan’s expedition circumnavigates the world
1521 Cortés conquers the Mexica Empire
1533 Pizarro conquers the Inca Empire
1602 Dutch East India Company established