Quiz for Document 16-5: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract: On Popular Sovereignty and the General Will (1762)

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Document 16-5: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract: On Popular Sovereignty and the General Will (1762)

Choose the best answer to each question.

  1. Question 16.14

    Correct. The answer is d. Rousseau sought to balance individual liberty and collective action.
    Incorrect. The answer is d. Rousseau sought to balance individual liberty and collective action.
    Which problem did Rousseau believe the social contract resolved?
  2. Question 16.15

    Correct. The answer is a. In Rousseau’s view, the purpose of government was to put the general will into practice.
    Incorrect. The answer is a. In Rousseau’s view, the purpose of government was to put the general will into practice.
    In Rousseau’s view, what was the ultimate basis of legitimate government action?
  3. Question 16.16

    Correct. The correct answer is d. Rousseau argued for laws that established regular, set meeting times for assemblies.
    Incorrect. The correct answer is d. Rousseau argued for laws that established regular, set meeting times for assemblies.
    Rousseau believed the authority to summon representative assemblies into session should reside in