Evaluating the Evidence 25.2: Wartime Propaganda Posters


Wartime Propaganda Posters

This famous French propaganda poster from 1918 (below) proclaims “They shall not pass” and expresses the French determination to hold back the German invaders at any cost. The American recruitment poster from 1917 (below) encourages “fighting men” to “join the Navy.”

(Private Collection/© Galerie Bilderwelt/Bridgeman Images)
(Private Collection/© Galerie Bilderwelt/Bridgeman Images)


  1. Describe the soldier and sailor pictured on these posters. How do the posters present the war?
  2. The French poster was created after France had been at war for four years, while the naval recruitment poster came out before American troops were actively engaged overseas. How might the country of origin and the date of publication have affected the messages conveyed in the posters?