Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 26.1: Friedrich Nietzsche Pronounces the Death of God


Correct. The answer is b. By laughing at the madman, the people in the marketplace indirectly suggested that he was correct.
Incorrect. The answer is b. By laughing at the madman, the people in the marketplace indirectly suggested that he was correct.
1. How did the people in the marketplace respond to the madman’s claim that God was dead?


Correct. The answer is b. In Nietzsche’s view, God’s murder was not the responsibility of one person or of one group, but of society as a whole.
Incorrect. The answer is b. In Nietzsche’s view, God’s murder was not the responsibility of one person or of one group, but of society as a whole.
2. According to Nietzsche, who was responsible for the death of God?