Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 27.2: Famine and Recovery on a Soviet Collective Farm


Correct. The answer is d. Informing the peasants that industrialization required sacrifices on their parts, the government collected almost everything the Ukrainian peasants produced.
Incorrect. The answer is d. Informing the peasants that industrialization required sacrifices on their parts, the government collected almost everything the Ukrainian peasants produced.
1. According to Belov, how did the Soviet government contribute to the 1933 famine in the Ukraine?


Correct. The answer is c. All of the individuals in positions of responsibility at each kolkhoz were accused of plundering the kolkhoz and sentenced to harsh prison terms.
Incorrect. The answer is c. All of the individuals in positions of responsibility at each kolkhoz were accused of plundering the kolkhoz and sentenced to harsh prison terms.
2. Who was held responsible for the famine of 1933?