A History of Western Society: Printed Page 181
A History of Western Society, Value Edition: Printed Page 171
A History of Western Society, Concise Edition: Printed Page 182
The period of the Roman Empire was a rich era in both economic and cultural terms. Roman emperors developed a system of government that ruled over vast areas of diverse people fairly effectively. The resulting stability and peace encouraged agriculture and production. Goods and people moved along roads and sea-
The Roman Empire did not disintegrate in the third century, however. Although emperors came and went in quick and violent succession, the basic institutions and infrastructure of the empire remained intact. Even during the worst of the ordeal, many lower-
Make Connections
Think about the larger developments and continuities within and across chapters.
What allowed large empires in the ancient world, including the Persians (Chapter 2) and the Romans, to govern vast territories and many different peoples successfully?
How was slavery in the Roman Empire different from that of earlier societies? How was it similar? What might account for the continuities and changes in slavery you have identified?
If a male resident of Athens during the time of Pericles (Chapter 3) had time-