
1790s–1840sRomantic movement in literature and the arts
1809–1848Metternich serves as Austrian foreign minister
1810Germaine de Staël publishes On Germany
1814–1815Congress of Vienna
1815Revision of Corn Laws in Great Britain; Holy Alliance formed
June 18, 1815Napoleon defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
1819Karlsbad Decrees issued by German Confederation
1820Congress of Troppau proclaims the principle of intervention to maintain autocratic regimes
1821Austria crushes a liberal revolution in Naples and restores the Sicilian autocracy
1823French armies restore the Spanish crown
1830Greece wins independence from Ottomans
France invades Algeria
Charles X repudiates the Constitutional Charter; insurrection and collapse of the government follow
Louis Philippe succeeds to the throne and maintains a narrowly liberal regime
1832Reform Bill in Britain
1839Socialist Louis Blanc publishes The Organization of Work
1840Anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon publishes What Is Property?
1845–1851Great Famine in Ireland
1847Ten Hours Act in Britain
1848Revolutions in France, Austria, and Prussia; Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto