A History of Western Society AP®: Printed Page 322-f

Understanding AP® Themes in Period One


INT Interaction of Europe and the World
PP Poverty and Prosperity
OS Objective Knowledge and Subjective Visions
SP States and Other Institutions of Power
IS Individual and Society
  1. What new ideas were derived in the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution, and how did these shape society? (OS, SP, IS)

  2. Why did the religious reform movements of the sixteenth century spread so broadly and have such a great impact? (OS, IS)

  3. How did nation-states develop and become more centralized in this period? (PP, OS, SP)

  4. How did the European conquest of overseas territories create new forms of biological and cultural exchange, as well as new opportunities for power and wealth? (INT, PP, SP, IS)

  5. How did the expansion of commercial capitalism and other economic changes affect daily life for rich and poor in the countryside and cities? (PP, IS)

  6. What impact did these changes in so many realms of life have on family and social structures, gender roles, and popular culture? (OS, IS)