A History of Western Society AP®: Printed Page 464-f

Understanding AP® Themes in Period Two


INT Interaction of Europe and the World
PP Poverty and Prosperity
OS Objective Knowledge and Subjective Visions
SP States and Other Institutions of Power
IS Individual and Society
  1. How did rulers in western and eastern Europe transform their nations into powerful monarchies? (INT, OS, SP, IS)

  2. How were the expansion of the market economy and production in Europe and the growth of world trade in commodities and human beings related to one another? (INT, PP, SP, IS)

  3. What new ideas about society and human relations developed in this period, and what new practices and institutions enabled these ideas to take hold? (INT, PP, OS, SP, IS)

  4. How did increasing literacy, a growing population, and new patterns of consumption and culture affect people’s lives in their families and communities? (PP, OS, IS)

  5. What led to the wave of political revolutions in the Atlantic world in the late eighteenth century, and what were the consequences? (INT, PP, OS, SP, IS)