Kibbutz Children Picking Grapes Many of the early kibbutzim, such as this one at Kfar Blum in Israel’s northern Galilee, were agricultural settlements that produced cotton and fruits such as grapes, oranges, and apples, which were then packed and shipped around the world. They also produced most of the food eaten by the members. On the kibbutz, as these children illustrate, all did their share of the work. Collection boxes for the Zionist cause (left) date back to 1884, but donations became more standardized after the founding of the Jewish National Fund in 1901. The first Blue Box appeared in 1904, with the suggestion that a box be placed in every Jewish home around the world and contributed to as often as possible. Still collected today, Blue Box donations fund projects such as planting forests, establishing parks, and building roads and water reservoirs in the Israeli state. (kibbutz: Courtesy, Kibbutz Kfar Blum Archives; box: Courtesy National Jewish Fund)