1434–1737Medici family in power in Florence
1450sDevelopment of movable metal type in Germany
1469Marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon
1492Spain conquers Granada; practicing Jews expelled from Spain
1508–1512Michelangelo paints ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
1513Niccolò Machiavelli writes The Prince
1521Diet of Worms
1521–1555Charles V’s wars against Valois kings
1525Peasant revolts in Germany
1527Henry VIII of England asks Pope Clement VII to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon
1536John Calvin publishes The Institutes of the Christian Religion
1540Founding of the Society of Jesus ( Jesuits)
1545–1563Council of Trent
1555Peace of Augsburg
1558–1603Reign of Elizabeth I in England
1560–1660Height of European witch-hunt
1568–1578Civil war in the Netherlands
1572Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre
1598Edict of Nantes