753 B.C.E.Traditional founding of the city of Rome
509 B.C.E.Traditional date of the establishment of the Roman Republic
451–449 B.C.E.Laws of the Twelve Tables written and issued
ca. 265 B.C.E.Romans control most of Italy
264–241 B.C.E.;
218–201 B.C.E.;
149–146 B.C.E.
Punic Wars
53–31 B.C.E.Civil wars among rival claimants to power
44 B.C.E.Assassination of Julius Caesar
31 B.C.E.Octavian (Augustus) defeats Antony and Cleopatra
27 B.C.E.Senate grants Octavian the title “Augustus”; date marks the beginning of the Roman Empire
27 B.C.E.–68 C.E.Julio-Claudian emperors; expansion into northern and western Europe
ca. 3 B.C.E.–29 C.E.Life of Jesus
69–96 C.E.Flavian emperors; restoration of order after civil wars
96–192 C.E.Antonine emperors; prosperity and the height of the pax Romana
235–284 C.E.Third-century crisis; civil war; invasions; economic decline
284–337 C.E.Diocletian and Constantine attempt to reconstruct the empire
313 C.E.Emperor Constantine issues Edict of Milan, allowing practice of all religions in the Roman Empire
380 C.E.Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion of the empire
476 C.E.Odoacer deposes the last Roman emperor in the West