622Muhammad and his followers emigrate from Mecca to Medina
632Muhammad dies; Abu Bakr becomes the first caliph
642Muslim defeat of the Persians marks end of the Sassanid empire
651Publication of the Qur’an
661Ali assassinated; split between Shi’a and Sunnis
711Muslims defeat Visigothic kingdom in Spain
722–1492Progressive loss of most of Spain to the Christian reconquest (reconquista)
750–1258Abbasid caliphate
762Baghdad founded by Abbasids
800–1300Height of Muslim learning and creativity
869–883Zanj (slave) revolts
950–1100Entry on a large scale of Turks into the Middle East
1055Baghdad falls to Seljuk Turks
1099–1187Christian Crusaders hold Jerusalem
1258Mongols capture Baghdad and kill the last Abbasid caliph