Director of Development for History: Jane Knetzger
Senior Developmental Editor: Sara Wise
Senior Production Editor:Christina M. Horn
Production Supervisor: Samuel Jones
Executive Marketing Manager: Sandra McGuire
Associate Editor: Robin Soule
Editorial Assistant: Arrin Kaplan
Production Assistant: Erica Zhang
Copy Editor: Jennifer Brett Greenstein
Indexer: Leoni Z. McVey
Cartography: Mapping Specialists, Ltd.
Page Layout: Boynton Hue Studio
Photo Researcher: Bruce Carson
Senior Art Director: Anna Palchik
Text Design: Marsha Cohen
Cover Design: Donna Lee Dennison
Cover Art:Portrait of an African Slave Woman, attributed to Annibale Carracci, ca. 1580. Courtesy Tomasso Brothers Fine Art, Leeds, England.
Composition: Jouve
Printing and Binding: RR Donnelley and Sons
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