Quiz for Viewpoints 10.2: Visiting Africa

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Correct: The answer is b. Both authors emphasized the availability of ivory and ambergris in the region.
Incorrect: The answer is b. Both authors emphasized the availability of ivory and ambergris in the region.
1. Evidence of which of the following is found in the accounts of both Duan Chengshi and Al Mas’udi (see Listening to the Past)?


Correct: The answer is d. Duan Chengshi’s mention of frequent Arab raids suggests that relations between Africans and Arabs were not always limited to peaceful trade.
Incorrect: The answer is d. Duan Chengshi’s mention of frequent Arab raids suggests that relations between Africans and Arabs were not always limited to peaceful trade.
2. Which of these can be inferred from the account of Duan Chengshi?


Correct: The answer is d. In addition to gaining information, Nuno Tristam hoped to profit by their “service or ransom.”
Incorrect: The answer is d. In addition to gaining information, Nuno Tristam hoped to profit by their “service or ransom.”
3. Which of these was one of Nuno Tristam’s motives for capturing ten Africans?


Correct: The answer is d. The attack took place at night and produced great confusion among the Africans, suggesting they were taken by surprise.
Incorrect: The answer is d. The attack took place at night and produced great confusion among the Africans, suggesting they were taken by surprise.
4. Nuno Tristam’s description of the capture of ten Africans suggests which of the following?