Quiz for Viewpoints 24.2: Socialist and Anti-Socialist Perspectives

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Correct: The answer is d. The document described a two-class society in which one class was poor and produced all of the wealth and the other was rich and lived off the labor of the poor.
Incorrect: The answer is d. The document described a two-class society in which one class was poor and produced all of the wealth and the other was rich and lived off the labor of the poor.
1. According to the authors of “The Meaning of Socialism,” how was society organized?


Correct: The answer is a. The authors hoped to bring about a new social order, one in which “there will be no poor and, therefore, no rich; in which there will be no classes.”
Incorrect: The answer is a. The authors hoped to bring about a new social order, one in which “there will be no poor and, therefore, no rich; in which there will be no classes.”
2. What kind of society did the authors of “The Meaning of Socialism” hope to create?


Correct: The answer is b. Sumner thought that concern for the poor was an untested social convention that most people conformed to in order appear good.
Incorrect: The answer is b. Sumner thought that concern for the poor was an untested social convention that most people conformed to in order appear good.
3. How did Sumner explain the fact that so many people expressed a desire to help the poor?


Correct: The answer is c. Sumner believed that such efforts privileged the rights and needs of the poor over those of society as a whole.
Incorrect: The answer is c. Sumner believed that such efforts privileged the rights and needs of the poor over those of society as a whole.
4. According to Sumner, which of these was a flaw common to all efforts to improve the lot of the poor?